Hi. I'm new to this site. It's been a long time since I've used forums. I'll give a brief description of what brought me here.
So I had to quit work many years back when my abdominal pain first started. The pain is just above my belly button a feeling like I've been stabbed in the stomach. I had social anxiety school which caused alot of stress and tension in my body. The pain would only be at times of high stress back then. Atleast 10 years back I was under a huge amount of emotional stress. I had an awful feeling in my belly and felt like I was having a panic attack that wouldn't stop.
I managed to get back to work then quite a short time later.
I was getting by the next few years but still having to live with pain. But the pain has got alot worse and too much to deal with I've been pretty much housebound for a year. Little help from drs. Very afraid of my future.
What I do know. I had a scan a couple years back and I have a tare in my abdomen at the top and bottom of where I get the pain. Currently I'm trying to lose weight to take pressure of this area. I know stress makes it worse but it's so hard to not worry.