I’ll try and compress this as much as I can. Lower back pain for many years, began after birth of third child 33 years ago, but got much worse lately. Had bad car accident rolling the car x 3 two years ago, May or may not have worsened it. I don’t know for sure. GP offered me a phone chat in two months time about the scan result! Same GP who’d marked my X-ray as satisfactory despite a comment from radiologist so I requested MRI scan. See result above.
Luckily I’ve found a free physio service and they are going to talk me thru treatment next week. Far better than GP and more knowledgable no doubt. I’ve started trying to remember some simple exercises daily, takes a long while to become a habit!
The worst pain is probably from the spondylolisthesis. I developed severe sciatica out of the blue in June whilst walking round London, maybe not in the best shoes. And it comes and goes in it’s severity. Burning pain and numbness. Sometime if I get up in the night it feels like my back has been sliced in two. I have always tried to lead as normal life as I can. I can only walk or swim gently, anything else is too much. I was diagnosed many years ago with fibro but I actually wonder if this was my body adapting to the back issues, as the pain apart from sciatica is mainly in all the soft tissues surrounding the back and pelvis. My body is quite reactive. I also have thyroid problems and low iron for most of my life which I’m currently working on too!
Viktor Frankl said the meaning of suffering is not that we suffer but how. So I try and lead my best life. I’m 68 and live alone so sometimes the future feels a little daunting!
I take pregabilin, just 75 mg at night maybe helps a tad. Reluctant to increase to daytime as can make me sleepy.
Just thought I’d post here in case anyone has similar. Physio has suggested I speak to a spinal specialist. I think I’d like to go for injections in my back to see if the nerve blocks would help.
Thanks for reading this 💜