Does anyone have any positive feedback about Pregabalin? I’ve been prescribed 75mg twice a day & have heard so many horror stories I’m too scared to take it 😳
Pregabalin advice: Does anyone have any... - Pain Concern
Pregabalin advice

That's a reasonable dose to start with. Everyone has their own experience with Lyrica, it's worth trying.
The bad side effects are for larger doses.
Its good to start on 25mgs and increase dose gradually. I take 100 twice a day with good results. I was careful not to drive initially in case i was drowsy, all was fine though and have not had any side effects .
Best wishes. I hope it helps 🌸
Im currently taking 600mg a day. Which has had no impact of my pain, they are now slowly reducing it but leaving me with nothing. Apparently the new way to deal with pain is with meditation. Im screwing my mind with worry as I know none of it works. But with regards to pregab, I've had a little dizziness and dry mouth really bad but other than that no problems.
I’m sorry that it hasn’t worked for you. Pain is such an awful thing. I wish doctors would actually understand how it feels. Take care
I took the high dose of400MG daily of Tramadol over 9 days for very bad damaged back muscles pain. Did a very good job, But even with such a short period on the drug it was not a good experience leaving them off. They say with draw slowly. How slowly when only taking them for 9dys. Of course it was a very strong dose Take advice if in such a position from a doctor, not an online amatuer, because everyone's body and experiences are so different
Started on 25mg per day , I’m now on 450mg , should be taking 600mg per day but can’t stand the zombie affects !!
The only thing I had was feeling tired. But they make me sleep , do help me with my restless legs / neuropathy but not much with back pain , just started Amitriptyline as per my pain clinic request .
We are all different with meds so try not to read too much in to it .
I have restless legs too. Doctor advised magnesium & vitamin b complex. I try to avoid anything sweet in the evening especially chocolate! Unfortunately chocolate is the love of my life 😁
Yes I’m on vitamin b extra strong compound but that’s for my other chronic illness I have ,
It has made me gain weight though I won’t lie , it’s a mixture of the pregabalin and not being so active , 3 Stone I have gained in 2 yrs , don’t get me wrong I have exercise items at home but it hurts me to do them for more than twice a week if that then I’m out of action for days ! Oh I can’t help have a nibble of choc in the evening lol x
Amitriptyline generally is a severe trigger for most people regarding Restless legs.
Been taking Pregabalin low dose for about 18 months for nerve pain in arms and leg spasms as a result of myelopathy. Initially very tired and also increased appetite so put on weight. Side effects diminish after a while but have had to be careful what I eat but now under control.

Thanks. I’m really hoping that I don’t put on weight as I have been down that road before.
I took up to 600mg a day but reduced it to 450mg. I started on 2 x 100mg to start with. It initially made me rather drowsy but that passed after a few weeks. Nowadays I just get a dry mouth, mainly in the morning as my night dose is higher. For me it takes the edge of the referred nerve pain but it does not stop it but it’s worth it for me to have at least the edge taken off.
Hey Bakingdeb. I started on 50mg Pregabalin and found no benefits, and was then increased to 150mg during a hospital admission. I’ve now been on 150mg twice a day for 3 months, and honestly, I’ve had no horrible side effects. The only thing that MIGHT be related is weight gain. I have been off work since March and unable to exercise, so that probably doesn’t help either. Hope this helps a little bit x
It has been my life saver, it has helped me reduce my other pain meds, no where near the side effects as gabapentin had. No way I could still be working full time without it.
That’s really good to hear! I read some awful stories from people on a Facebook group which really scared me. I’m going to start it tonight & see how it goes.
Ive taken it for 10 years. The first two weeks I felt extremely spaced out but the side effects gradually got better. I have to admit I wouldn't be without it as it helps bring the burning, shooting pains down to a bearable level. I only take 50mg in the morning and 75mg at night as anymore I felt too lethargic and wouldn't have been able to drive. I do know several people who take it at a much higher dose with no ill effects. We are all so individual in our response to any drug eg antidepressants actually make me very ill that the only way to know is by trying it. My doctor knowing I had had bad reactions to other drugs started me off at just 50mg a day. Good luck if you decide to try it.x
Have you been able to stay at that dosage as a maximum for 10 yrs
Yes I have. It was given me by my GP initially as he felt I had Myofacial pain syndrome and Fibromyalgia but at that time I hadn't seen a specialist. When I had an appointment with a Pain specialist he confirmed the diagnosis. I have managed on this dose for the last 10 years. I have occasionally when having a prolonged flare slightly increased the dose but have always then gone back to what I call my "maintenance dose". I am sure if I could tolerate a much higher level the pain would come right down but as we know it is always a balance between feeling spaced out from medication but in little pain or more pain but in the land of the living. I have to add I am sensitive to alot of medication so many can tolerate a much higher dose and function normally.x
Thanks. I’m glad to hear some positive responses. I’m not quite so worried now. My prescribed dose if 75mg twice a day. I might just start with one at night & see how I get on.
Please don't be scared. I've been taking Pregablin now for years at 300mg x2 daily, the only side effect I've ever had was when I first started taking it and for a couple of nights had the best nights sleep ever!
Pregabalin has far fewer side-effects than Gabapentin, which is in the same family of drugs, & it can be taken at a lower dosage, yet give a similar effect for neuropathic pain. As it's also prescribed for epilepsy in higher dosages, I would feel comfortable, if I was you, in trying this, so long as it's only increased gradually.
600mgs per day is the maximum recommended dosage of Pregabalin for neuropathic pain here in the UK; I presume this daily dosage may be higher with epilepsy.
We're all different, but I've not experienced any weight gain in the past 5 years of 600mgs a day with Pregabalin for my neuropathic pain.
That’s good to hear that you haven’t gained weight. I read on Facebook some people had put on several stones. 😳 I have epilepsy & take 3 drugs for it. I’ll start on a low dose & hope it works 🤞
Hi, im am on the same dosage. I have been on pregabalin 14 years it does help alittle I notice the difference when I run out plus I have withdrawal symptoms. I can only order when I have three days left. But I dont think I would have started them if I knew about them being addictive. Sorry I didn't want to put you off them. 🤔
I've been on pregabalin , it is one if the best meds I have been put on for my anxiety pain.
Give it a try , you should know quiet soon if they help within a few days.
My advice give it a shot and then decide yourself .
I'm on 600mg a day of prrgablin plus 500mg 4 times a day zapain. It all makes me dizzy and tired with a bad dry mouth. No weight gain but bad bloating doesn't touch the pain anymore