I have just been diagnosed with Cellulitis, and prescribed a course of antibiotics, return to doctor in a weeks time, never had this problem before, but was extremely painful, could not stand or place any weight on right leg. I would like to hear from people who have experienced this issue
Cellulitis: I have just been diagnosed with... - Pain Concern
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. What is cellulitis?
Hi patjess...
I had never heard of Cellulitis a couple of years ago when my doctor took a look at the painful, hot, angry red “rash” on my lower leg and told me to drop everything and get to the emergency room. They were considering using an IV antibiotic but eventually decided to give me a heavy dose of a Sulfa antibiotic along with Benadryl since I’m allergic to Sulfa (fortunately I didn’t have an adverse reaction). It took several days but it eventually healed.
I had no idea how deadly Cellulitis can be, and had somehow scratched my leg while whitewater rafting about a week before I noticed how the infection had spread. About a week after it cleared up I was on vacation out of town and noticed a similar infection on my arm, but was nowhere near en emergency room. Since I had read something about Manuka Honey (Medical Honey) being able to kill the MRSA superbug so I spread some on my arm and wrapped it in cellophane overnight. Miraculously when I woke up the next morning my arm was normal and healthy looking—no sign of infection or inflammation. So, if you happen to have a jar of Manuka Honey handy, spread some on your leg. Don’t stop taking the antibiotic regimen though. Cellulitis is nothing to play around with. Acetaminophen can help with the pain until you’re clear of infection.
Best wishes.
Hi, think the best thing is to catch it before it gets very painful. I've had it several times, 5 times I think. I shout for antibiotics as soon as it starts! If it gets bad you could end up in hospital with antibiotics in a drip for 2 or 3 days. Avoid support stockings as they make it worse. Have been warned by a lady who was made to wear them in hospital.
Hope your on the mend. Do you get flaking skin on your legs? Have a lovely week!
My right leg swelled up suddenly after clearing up a tenanted flat of mine. I just thought I'd ricked my ankle on stairs but at work (I'm a medical sec in NHS) my colleagues got a visiting consultant to see it and she diagnosed celllulitis and told me to go straight to my GP for clarithromycincin. The surgery had closed. Well the next morning it began to really hurt, I got an appointment for 2 weeks' time. By the following day I couldn't stand on it so my son demanded an emergency appt with GP by phone. He gave me a 3 day course of erythromycin (which I had had many times in my 74 years of life, and to which I may have become resistant). For 2 days I duly took that and my painful leg got worse and I became bed-bound and feverish. My son asked for a different GP and he suggested some ointment like OTC Savlon . Then in desperation, seeing how bad my leg was becoming, he phoned the GP surgery and got a doctor who prescribed a different antibiotic which wasn't clarithromycin but by then my leg had broken out in pus and was going black and blue. I was in bed in great pain and delirious, taking many painkillers.
By then, my son had got fed up and called 111 who said I should be on ciprofloxacin - IV in hospital! Well, I was in no state to go there
as my son was at work so I finally persuaded the GP to prescribe a 10 day course of - yes! - ciprofloxacin. t took 10 days for my GP surgery to respond professionallly to my condition. resulting me in 6 weeks off work and I still have leaking holes where pus comes out and black skin round my ankles.
All I can say is that if you ever have symptoms like mine, do get your GP to prescribe you the correct antibiotic, not an ineffective one!
Sorry, but forgot to mention, your leg will shed skin and will never lose the black bits.
Oh! 😕 Thanks, will my legs ever stop peeling do you think?
Yes they will Buntybunny - eventually! I used lots of moisturiser on mine and had the hoover at the ready each morning....
The blackish marks on my right cellulitis leg still haven't gone even after 9 months, but as I'm now 74 I don't suppose I'll be flashing them around any time soon! (Thank goodness for black tights.)
Good luck with recovery and thanks for your supporting posts.
Oh! Lost my reply! Just disappeared!🤔 What moisturiser do you use, just ordinary like Nivia or a special one? Was given a gungie one in hospital, glad I wasn't doing the washing! 😊
Have a lovely Tuesday abellemed and every one! I take oramorph at bed time, help me sleep as well as getting rid of pain! 👍xx
I've been using a huge tub of Hydromol (given to me by GP after a mossy-bite from Spain went on too long and she noticed my legs (72 year-old ones then) looked dry. It is horrid to have on your hands so I wash them thoroughly after, it's sort of slimy, but really works. I'd kept the tub so it came in useful again when my leg was shedding skin like a snake! I really slapped it on then when I got to your cellulitis stage. I have still used it occasionally this winter as legs seem to get drier when not being anointed in Ambre Solaire oil in summer! (I do like the look of brown legs, although the right one does still have a darker ankle, thanks to cellulitis having gone on far too long.)
Otherwise, do use Nivea or any other nice-smelling one from a plastic pot kept by bath. At the moment I use an aloe vera/rosemary/lavendery one I got from B&M store in Hinckley a few months ago.
I will mention Oramorph to my new GP once I get transferred to the other practice.
Best wishes - and thanks for yours!
All of the symptoms you described mirror exactly my own experience, fortunately I got a much better response from my medical centre, who diagnosed correctly my problem and gave me the correct antibiotic from the word go, so I am much better and on the way to full recovery with a further check up in two days time. Thank you for your input.
Oh, patjess - thank you for your reply, I now know what to do if I ever get the faintest inkling of impending cellulitis again! (I am in the process of changing my GP surgery!)
I see you also have other pain concerns and very much appreciate your input, ever since I discovered this little outlet for our pain probs and the helpful tips!
Back to swollen legs covered in
flaky bits today. I find swelling is most painful next is the red heated patches. So far I have no dark patches that won't budge - touch wood! I will be 76 this year and how time flies!
Sorry you have the same problem but glad I'm not alone! Do either of you have osteoarthritis in your hips or knees? I think there is a connection as when the arthritis is bad the legs are bad! I'm on Zomorph twice a day and Oramorph when needed!
I feel an urge comming on, an urge to scratch! Will take my evening wall to the Coop for a couple of bits, takes my mind off scratching 😊 Have a lovely evening, enjoyed the chat thank you very much! xx 👍
A weeks gone by, antibiotics finished several days ago, my legs are so swollen and painful. Don't know what to make of that! Wrong antibiotic? What was it I said ! 😊
Thinking of you patjess and friends with cellulitis! Wishing you a good week free from painful legs. xx