hi everyone, i'm just a little bit worried about my condition regarding lumbar spine or anything that related to spine disease. i had a little curve in my lumbar spine and the doctor didn't tell me much about it and i just started my physiotheraphy last week. i had a symptom of lower back pain, 'c' curve shaped when i sit or stand, and uneven shoulder and legs. can anyone tell me more detail for what exactly the problem that i had? its good if you can share your stories that maybe will help me with my problem. tq
lumbar spine: hi everyone, i'm just a little... - Pain Concern
lumbar spine

The spine has natural curves up and down its length. If you have something unusual requiring physio , I'm surprised you haven't got more explanation from your doctor. Maybe your physiotherapist will elaborate.
I'm sure someone else will come on who has a similar condition.
Good luck.
Scoliosis is the term for curvature of the spine, but before you go googling there are varying degrees of curve and presumably there are different causes.
I have a currently fairly mild lumbar scoliosis (and a heap of other 💩), and AFAIK, the best thing you can do is to strengthen the muscle groups that help to support your spine so it doesn't have to work as hard to keep you upright, and ensuring that your muscles are loose and stretched regularly. If, for example, your hamstrings are tight this will pull on your lower back and can aggravate lower back problems. Also correcting any posture issues and that kind of thing.
I've been seeing a personal trainer to this end, I'm guessing that's what your physio will do for you?
If so, it's really important to do the exercises they give you, regularly and correctly, I now do daily stretching / mobility / massaging along with 3-4 sessions a week in the gym and have had a lot of success (first time in my life I've had visible abs 😀). I've also resigned myself to having to do this for life, but on the bright side - it's good for you! Particularly if you do a little cardio in there too (doesn't have to be in a gym, just doing it is the main thing).
And like I say, careful with Google, there are lots of serious cases of scoliosis and it can be a bit scary if you start reading.
I agree with madlegs that your doctor should have explained a bit more about it and what you personally should expect.
thanks guys for your respond. actually I'm really disappointed when the doctor didn't explain much to me about my problem. but i really hope that my physiotherapist will explain more. i will have second physio next week so i hope i get to know everything that i need.
Ade, actually i already read a little bit about scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis. but sometimes it gets me more confused about it,haha. that's why i want to know more from someone who experienced or know more about this. i was so worried and i didn't feel satisfied enough until i get some explaination from the experts.
i'm looking forward for the next appointment and i will update it to you guys! if you guys have other knowledge regarding this feel free to share it with me..
ooyeah! for someone who maybe know? could scoliosis can affect to other major problem like kyphosis? is there were had a connection between it or is it a different thing?? i
Not usually a connection AFAIK, scoliosis is a sideways curve (when viewed from behind), kyphosis is an exaggerated curve to the upper back (hunchback) and lordosis is when the bottom of the spine curves (inwards?).
There are cases of more than one of them at the same time but I guess it gets confusing as to what caused what then.
It seems that scoliosis is a bit of a mystery usually, (idiopathic scoliosis) meaning they don't know the cause and unless it becomes severe they can't really treat it (apart from painkillers and exercise).
If it gets really severe they can operate and insert rods / fuse the spine but that's a pretty big deal and I really hope I don't end up needing that. Ever.
I would go back to doc to explain more and if you have pain in your back ask for mri scan that show any problems
This can be a number of things. You need someone to have a physical look and take it from there. Sometimes, it can be case of muscles that are over contracted. Sometimes it can be a case of the head not balanced on top of the spine. Sometimes it can be other things.
Seeing an Alexander teacher can help with problems caused by posture and loss of good muscle control. Physiotherapy can be a case of one size fits all. So Physio may help or it may not.
You need to network with people in your local area to find out what useful therapies are available. Note: doctors have little or no understanding of how muscle behaviour and posture contributes to back pain.
Hope this is helpful.