Starting pregablin : Hi everyone I have just... - Pain Concern

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Starting pregablin

Coxy69 profile image
60 Replies

Hi everyone I have just been prescribed pregablin 50mg twice a day to start with for nerve pain, what can I expect as I am reading lots of bad press on this drug.

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Coxy69 profile image
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60 Replies

Hi there, I take pregabilin 300 mg twice daily it helps me with my nerve pain , I don't have any issues with it , before I took pregabilin I used to take gabberpentin similar to pregabilin but my body got use to it , everybody is different when taking the drug if you have any issues ask your GP . Good luck

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to

Thanks for replaying that sounds good. Glad to hear it works for you.

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to

Are you able to have a glass of wine on it at the weekend?

in reply to Coxy69

Hi there, I couldn't tell you that as I don't drink because of all the medication im on , I suppose the odd glass of wine should be fine as long as it's just the one .

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to

Cool thanks

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to

Do not drink when taking any medication. It’s too hard on your liver.

in reply to Konagirl60

I would never drink alcohol taking medication , might have a hot whiskey in winter to help the damaged nerves but that is it.

in reply to Coxy69

Ps I had a g&t earlier although I rarely drink but it’s been quite a day. I think it went to my head more than it would have normally but that’s all.

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to

Cheers for your message, I would only have a couple at the most too, so good to know.

Albiebear profile image
Albiebear in reply to Coxy69

Yes I have been taking pregabalin for several years now and I always have a glass of wine, sometime two. No evil side effects.

Hi I started it 3 weeks ago at 25mg titrating up to 75mg - for neuropathic pain. It makes me feel Cross and stoned so I can’t drive for a few hours after taking my morning dose. But I’m desperate enough to keep at it for a while at least.

Mandypandy1969 profile image
Mandypandy1969 in reply to

I started it Sunday evening 75mg twice a day. I feel numb/zombified. I was on 75mg once a day but had it increased due to anxiety aswell as pain. Persevere and hope I feel a bit more with it in a few days.

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Mandypandy1969

I had to stop using it. I felt like a zombie.

It did not help my pinched nerve pain.

Leelee16661 profile image

Hi, I've been taking pregablin since March this year. Initially on 75mg 2-3 times a day and now I take 150mg 2-3 times a day. What I would say is don't get too focused on the negative things you might read. I did try gabapentin and also amitriptyline before I went on to pregablin. I had awful side effects with those so when I was prescribed pregablin, I like you was apprehensive and did research it and saw all the horror stories! I didnt let that put me off taking it though and I am glad it didnt, because it's the only one that I have felt pretty 'normal'on and controls the pain quite well. Your doctor will probably start you on the lowest dose and gradually increase if required.

Although it is advised to not drink alcohol while taking it, I have found 1 or 2 doesn't really make a difference to me....just don't go too crazy!

It's also important to remember if pregablin doesn't work for you, there are other tablets out there...the only way you will know if you tolerate it, is if you give it a good go!

Hope this helps!

Take care 😊

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to Leelee16661

Thanks that’s really encouraging 🤞

Vectron profile image
Vectron in reply to Leelee16661

Well said a common sense answer, 50mg twice a day is a very very low dose x

Mia51 profile image
Mia51 in reply to Leelee16661

Don’t believe pregablin is not bad for you it is now classed as addictive as heroin. Please believe me.My son thought it was great.... now he’s not hear.

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Mia51

Agreed! It’s dangerous.

bonny12346 profile image

Hi there Coxy 69

Pregablin put me up two dress sizes . Which I can ‘t shift. 56 to day woo woo!!!’n not really. Pregablin and Gabapenton didn’t work for me. Am I read the study they did on one of them was unsuccessful . I tried my best on them.

Just remember we don’t all get side effects. Good Luck

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to bonny12346

Thanks I’ll see how I go, I am worried about the weight gain 😳.

Joanne1972 profile image
Joanne1972 in reply to Coxy69

I also had weight gain but it was more from water weight, I had my weight gain specifically to abdomen and lower legs

I noticed when I first started taking pregabalin that I would get anxiety mid day between doses and so I was put on a mid day dose as well in the beginning which I reduced after about 7-8 months.

I do feel a bit spaced out taking it but I don't drive or operate anything worse than a microwave

Saying all that it really did help me with nerve pain in multiple parts of body

Good luck and hope it helps


Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to Joanne1972

How much do you take and when ? When I got the pills from the pharmacy yesterday it doesn’t say on the box and silly me can’t remember what the specialist said as there was so much other stuff being said. I’ve got 50mg pills but not sure how to take. I will check when he’s available but wondering what others take ? Thanks for your info.

Joanne1972 profile image
Joanne1972 in reply to Coxy69

I don't remember if I had a lower starting dose as been on them a while but currently I have 150mg tablets and take 1 in the morning and one in the evening. When I had the anxiety mid day I took a mid day one as well.

I remember when I told my gp about the mid day anxiety side effect she said they originally used to prescribe pregabalin 3 X a day but guidelines had changed it to twice a day am/pm doses for nerve pain


Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to Joanne1972

Thanks Jo, I’m now waiting for doctor to call me back with the details.

nodmeister profile image
nodmeister in reply to bonny12346

I also put a lot of weight on and cannot shift it. I stopped taking it but the stopping process i found horrific, same as Gabapentin. If it helps thats all that really matters, quality of life.

Mia51 profile image
Mia51 in reply to nodmeister

Quality of life,I don’t think finished my son off and now he’s gone

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Mia51

It’s dangerous. Too bad doctors don’t realize this. They should be made to try it and see what happens to their body and brains. I wish it would be banned!

Mansiongirlie profile image
Mansiongirlie in reply to bonny12346

Is weight gain on the side effects as I too have put on weight on this med, I've put on about 3 stone and I wish I could shift the extra weight.

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Mansiongirlie

That’s one of the reasons I quit using it.

Keepcrafting profile image

I'm on prevention 6 a day but still have phantom leg pain, it ca n be agony.

lupus_01 profile image

Pregabalin takes the edge off. It does not stop the pain so its not a miracle cure. Its a devil to stop but doable.

If it helps you can i suggest that slowly slowly you try and increase exercise. I dont mean a gym. Start with little things such as a walk for 10 mins each day.

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to lupus_01

How do you take them, is it 1 in the morning and 1 at night ?

Mansiongirlie profile image

There is a lot of bad press for this med however for me it has been life changing for my chronic pain. I'm not saying it stops the pain but it takes the edge off and if I miss a dose I sure know about it as the pain comes considerably. I have been on it for years now and I have tried Gabapebtin but that worked great for a few months and then stopped doing anything so I switched back to Pregabalin.

trishj46 profile image
trishj46 in reply to Mansiongirlie

I am trying to come off 1800mg of gabepentin--no help. I have terrible nerve pain from spinal cord injury and pudental neuralgia, I just broke my hip. I do not do well on drugs. I was started on lyrica but am too terrified to start it. I had all the weight gain on gabepentin, do not want more. My biggest fear is its side effect on vision. I have already lost one eye and afraid if I take this I could lose vthe other! But I am so desperate for relief and my doctor has tried everything! Very sensitive to everything. I am pretty much home bound, for eight years now! I feel if I cannot find some relief with all the side effects I am going to lose my sanity! Very alone with all this! I cannot stand added anxiety and fear I get from drugs! Sorry to go on like this! I wish you luck! We are all different! Blessings! trishj46

trishj46 profile image
trishj46 in reply to trishj46

I just wanted to add I do not post very often but have belonged to this site a long time. I am at a point right now of being emotional and depressed, but do not tolerate anti-depressants due to having a neurogenic bladder and bowel. The would cause impaction in bowel! I feel blocked in every way! I live alone, family very good to me but

determined I will be as independent as long as possible! I do see a psychologist, but would really like more contact, instead of pills! I have never written so much--sorry! I think I am in the middle of a meltdown! Please don't be afraid to go on lyric because of anything I have written! HUGS! trishj46

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to trishj46

So sorry to read how much pain you are in. I can totally understand how you feel like you’re having a meltdown it must be so frustrating. I find it frustrating with my pain and the fact I’ve been off work 3 weeks so I really feel for your situation. Hang in there stay positive and focus on good stuff, that’s what I do, I think about the things I’m going to do when I feel better. You must talk to people and always let them know when it gets very bad, it helps them understand why we snap at them when we are feeling our worst, my poor husband has to put up with my mood swings but luckily he understands because I always let him know when it’s bad. Sounds like you need to have people around you more and not try and do it on your own. I really hope you are feeling well soon.

trishj46 profile image
trishj46 in reply to Coxy69

Thank you for understanding!

everyone in my prayers----say one for me!


Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to trishj46

I lost my sense of smell and taste for 7 years after using Lyrica and Cymbalta. They didn’t help my pinched nerve pain at all. I think these drugs should be banned.

Mia51 profile image
Mia51 in reply to Konagirl60

I once more agree wholeheartedly,pregablin is poison.the side effects made my son commit suicide 8 was ago.Please folks be careful

Brina423 profile image

Hey Coxy69 I take 300 3 xs a day and it works good for me

Sydney04 profile image


I've been on pregablin for 2 years, I take 150mg twice a day and it works really well for me. I've experienced no side effects.

Prior to this I was on gabapentin but it didn't help with my pain and the side effects were awful.

Medication affects us all in different ways though, what works for some won't work for others.

Good luck - I hope you get sorted with managing your pain x

Gadget60 profile image

I like others changed to pregabalin from gabapentin recently. I too take 50mg twice daily for sciatica. I have no side effects at all, I find it very good. I also take 20mg of reltebon for my lower back pain which probably enhances the pregabalin effectiveness. Hope it works for you. Good luck!

hannah1987b profile image

I find it made me feel foggy . I was in 600mg per day at one point! Now I’m in 75mg. Just don’t miss a dose and if u decide to come off it, do it very gradually as it’s got awful side effects xx

Emma2017 profile image

I went from gabapentin to pregabalin due to eye problems. Am on 400 to 600 a day (take more at night at times) it works well but it takes a bit to get used to with regards to the drowsiness. The drowsiness takes a few weeks to disappear. Other than some weight gain I have no other side effects. I managed the weight gain by reducing my food intake so have lost most of it again, prob better anyway as reduced mobility should mean less food but hard nonetheless.

Vectron profile image

I have been taking 50mg twice a day for Anxiety with no side affects it works very well alongside my 15mg of Lexepro, I can work out just as well as before, 100mg per day is a very low dose

FK1983 profile image

I had a lot of side effects when I was prescribed this for my back pain (nerve pain)

I had to stop it after a few days as I couldn't put up with some of the side effects but not everyone will get the same, it might work very good for you.

It seems to be given out a lot now for nerve pain.

I had really bad dizziness and a constant hazy weird feeling, as soon as I stopped them the side effects went so was strange.

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to FK1983

Same here. I hated it.

trishj46 profile image
trishj46 in reply to Konagirl60

Any one familiar with oxcarbazepine for nerve pain? How did it work for you-----any side effects? Thanks!


ZeN01 profile image

Hi I take Pregabalin 125mgs twice a day (250mg) I suffer with depression and anxiety and chronic back pain... to be honest it does nothing for me although I wouldn't stop taking it I have read some of the other posts and it seems to work for them so hopefully it will for you I have tried lots of things I found that TENs machine helps but only while the pads are on.... Good luck hope it goes well

MjM2015 profile image

I would be very careful and try not to be on it for too long I got addicted after being in the highest does for 16 months. It stopped working and I got fed up of the side effects... it took me 4 horrendous months to ween myself of of it... swore to get of all my pain meds which I nearly have and am in cannabis oil and it works so so much better although it costs a small fortune but worth every penny

Mia51 profile image
Mia51 in reply to MjM2015

Good for you getting off this dangerous drug, my sons not here because of it.

Pottey2 profile image

I was very worried about the side effects of Pregabalin balance was a big problem, but it really helps to control the nerve pain in my spine You have to weigh up the pros and cons

numps profile image

Hi Coxy

I have been on Pregabalin for 13 years . I am on 100mg three times per day for nerve pain.I am still the same weight that i was when starting has helped me greatly.The only side effect i have is brain fog ! Only you will know how it affects you by trying it. Good luck.

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to numps

Thanks I’m gonna give it a go.

Vectron profile image
Vectron in reply to Coxy69

It will help you

Coxy69 profile image
Coxy69 in reply to Vectron

It’s seems to be helping already

Vectron profile image
Vectron in reply to Coxy69

Try to stay on 50mg twice a day if you take a low dose of Cipralex it’s helps even better, I have had zero anxiety since starting Pregabalin

Kingsley09 profile image
Kingsley09 in reply to numps

Hi numps I am on pregabalin and it does help but am only on 100 mg at night and25 mg in the morning I can’t seem to up it as it seems to effect my eyes and I already have a balance problem with my peripheral neuropathy pain which the pain is why I’m taking them but am wondering if you ever had a balance problem when taking them and if so has it gone away thanks for any answer

numps profile image
numps in reply to Kingsley09

Hi Kingsley 09

Thinking back ,I do think I felt a little dizzy occasionally when I first started Pregablin , but now the only problem I have with it is brain fog as I mentioned previously .I do hope it helps you anyway . Kind Regards Numps .

Kingsley09 profile image
Kingsley09 in reply to numps

Hi thanks for your reply I also think it seems to be putting my bp up but unless I can get off it I won’t be able to no for sure I wish I’d never gone on this medication

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