Is healthunlocked affiliated with the NHS? Before I logged in a pop up appeared and asked me various questions, just wondering if anyone knows the answer, thanksm
NHS questionnaire : Is healthunlocked... - Pain Concern
NHS questionnaire
Popups are part of the internet. That's how the site gets paid. And you get the use of it for free.
I imagine NHS use HU because they are both health affiliated.
Thanks, the only reason I was asking as I was considering self injecting B12,and I asked the doctor had he heard of this site,I'm still unsure about pressing the surgery for figures as I don't understand them,he said mine were sitting at 550,but I think I'll have to find out other numbers to go along to be more accurate, thanks for your feedback.
Healthunlocked is a separate company from the NHS, so they are not affiliated as such. But the NHS does use their services in that they direct people to the support forums as a trusted source of information, as well as other business initiatives.
It might be worth reading the wikipedia page on them to find out more:
And this article explains how these companies work with the NHS, and the last part of it is about Healthunlocked.
You doctor will probably have heard of the site as it is supposed to be one of the 'trusted' sites that the NHS will refer people to for support. You might want to ask specifically about the B12 in another thread if you haven't already.