Had blood test showing HiA B27 positive. Lower back pain and stiffness. .
HlA b27 positive : Had blood test showing HiA B... - Pain Concern
HlA b27 positive
You say: "Had blood test showing HiA B27 positive". What does mean? It means that a relationship has been found where people with a particular condition has the HiA B27 positive gene.
only 2 % of people who have a positive HLA-B27 go on to develop ankylosing spondylitis
This means that there are other factors that need to be taken into account. These other factors are at this moment in time unknown.
This is not my area of knowledge. So GP needs to confirm or deny your worries. More care on how you use your muscles is probably warranted.
Certain things mean you are more vulnerable to certain conditions. However, this does not mean you will get the condition. It is possible to reduce stresses by being more aware. So condition could be prevented. This does involve work like investigation and research.
Not sure if I have answered question or confused the issue here.
Hi john been having lower back pain for a long time . Had blood test the test showing I have HiA B27 positive.
Positive blood test alongside long term pain- ideally if you havent already, you need to be seen by a rheumatologist. There are many varied approaches now to AS and need to be started (if indeed the condition is confirmed) to try to limit any long term damage and relieve pain.
Lower back pain can be that the spine is not balanced on the pelvis. This results in stresses being applied to ligaments and muscle. The pain is the result of the stresses. By slight modification in how you sit and stand could reduce the pain. The medical profession do not examine this issue because it does not show up on x-rays or MRI. This is because the x-rays and MRI are done in another body position.
An Alexander Technique teacher may be able to help you pick up the issue and reduce the problem if it exists.