Fentanyl patches anyone has and worked?? - Pain Concern

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Fentanyl patches anyone has and worked??

Itsallinthehips profile image
41 Replies

I will be switched to these in a few days to try for my pain.

Have these worked for anyone with extreme pain??

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Itsallinthehips profile image
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41 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Yes they worked for my husband for over 12 years.

More and more Doctors now though are not prescribing them. Addictive and if you do come off them do VERY slowly.

GP will start you on low dose which can be increased under his guidance.

Remember though...all strong pain meds were developed for palliative care and never intended to be used long term.


Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Bananas5

I’m in hospital it’s acute pain team giving me them I will be on a slight higher dose than normal due to my problems and background. I come off tramadol cold turkey last year no problem after nearly ten years so that won’t be an issue. Good I’m glad to hear they work thank you

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Itsallinthehips

I would never recommend cold turkey for any drugs let alone strong ones. Lucky for you not to have any side effects as it can be dangerous.just to stop


Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Bananas5

My doctor told me it was fine and it was 🤷‍♀️

Came of zomorph at the same time as well, I quit weed after a very long time cold turkey I quit smoking cold turkey a few years ago I just find stuff like that easy Must be because Im young guess I dunno. Anything like that I can stop like it’s nothing it’s the one good thing about my body

Loramay profile image
Loramay in reply to Itsallinthehips

Same here I have come off tramadol oramorph fentanyl (for an operation but had to give up 6 weeks before) and I not had any problems just stopping them. But I still have fentanyl patches which are great I also use cbd oil which is great for pain and anxiety but I do get very bad indigestion with it. So go for it you like me have nothing to lose

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Loramay

Yeah I have bad stomach issues with CBD oil plus it did absolutely nothing I tried vaping it but again nothing unless it has thc in it it won’t either as I’m an ex smoker so I’ve been told that why

I was on the fentanyl patch for a brief period of time.Landed up with severe allergic reaction to it (patch).Funny thing.. if they gave me Fentanyl by drip in the hospital I was fine????? Personally...its like Methadone I took for 20 years for my severe pain... all great till ur off it.. then u land up with what it did to ur body and more problems...plus it doesn't cure ur pain..only a temp bandaid. Im big believer now of..natural medicines..medical marijuana, chiropractic,acupuncture and etc...no side effects, same results, except no future issues.Been using natural medicines 10 years and no problems!!!

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to

Could it have been a reaction to the sticking part of the patch? Many people do have bad allergic reactions.

Medical cannabis is not legal in the UK


in reply to Bananas5

Can't say.I wish mm was legal worldwide,breaks my heart knowing others suffering.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Yeah our country is very behind when it comes to science etc and your country is very behind when it comes to other things and we are very progressive it’s strange

johnadams profile image
johnadams in reply to

People say it isn't legal, but you can get it on prescription in the form of a spray called sativex. A synthethic call nabilone exists.

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Bananas5


Medical cannabis is illeagal in this country as it has the thc still in it but u can get cbd oil... not one u buy in say holland and barratt( as they can only sell low dose) but there are legalised companies now that do it at quite a high dose ( 2000mg).

I have eds , which means my joint and muscles have not enough collagen in them so i suffer severe pain and dislocation and i take this cbdlove at the high dose and after 3 weeks( it takes time to work) i am off all my pain meds. The inflammation in my joint have halved and im able to go about normal business( i do work ) but i was a avid runner 5 years ago and just started to jog again... if u had told me that year ago i would have laughed.

I see a good osteo to so that helps but cbd oil is out there with legalised companys it just isnt medical cannabis( no thc) .

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Lulububs

It doesn’t work but thanks

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Lulububs

As I’ve said before CBD oil is bad for for and doesn’t work vaping it doesn’t work as I’m as an smoker of cannabis I’ve been told it won’t unless I have thc in it and like you said that’s illegal still

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

We don’t have things like that in uk so stuck with shit like this for now 🤷‍♀️

in reply to Itsallinthehips


Don_in_midlands profile image


I’ve never had the fentanyl patches, but I did try the buprenorphine ones for a while. They didn’t really help, so am back to the morphine, which just takes the edge off, but that’s better than nothing!

Is the long term plan that you stay on fentanyl, or is there something like an operation in your future, which could help your pain? Either way, it’s not like we’re drug seekers - we just want the pain to go away (or at least be more manageable!) and I, personally, will do whatever it takes to lessen the pain & if that means taking these strong medications, then that is what I will do & there’s no shame in it at all. I know not everyone will agree, but we might all agree that we’ll do what we can to get through each day, minute by miserable minute.

I wish you the best & hope the Fentanyl helps!

Don x

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Don_in_midlands

It’s a temporary thing while I’m on hospital and in so much pain only a week then ill be back home hopefully.

Yes same as you I’ll give anything a go I’ve tried pretty much everything you can over the years. I’ve heard awful things about fentanyl but we will see how it goes.

Sorry for the pain your in also x

Lizzylily profile image

I have been on fentanyl patches for many years they and they are the best I have taken to manage my pain I have tried nearly everything in the pain killer line these go straight into your blood stream and are measured doses over 3 or 7 days the 3 day are best they will make you very tired at first as do most pain meds but I find I have less side affects with these good luck I'm sure when you get the right dose established you will feel a big difference it's like getting your life back

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Lizzylily

I won’t be on them long just while I’m in hospital as the pain in unbearable right now. Can I ask what pain you have? Thank you for taking the time to reply x

Lizzylily profile image
Lizzylily in reply to Itsallinthehips

I have severe nerve damage at base of spine which affects my legs pain and numbness etc cervical spondylitis and eroded discs in middle I take paracetamol to top up the fentanyl because you get pain breakthrough sometimes and I don't want to go on a higher dose I'm on 37 mcg per hour

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Lizzylily

I’m not sure of my dosage but will be on cocodamol and oramorph every 6 hours to top up

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Lizzylily

Sorry to hear about your pain but I’m glad you found something to help xx

Lizzylily profile image
Lizzylily in reply to Itsallinthehips

Thank you i hope it does the same for you what you have sounds horrendous i hope they manage to sort you out in hospital ihope you keep in touch i would like to know how you go on good luck love

I do not know what you are switching. For others to give guidance on an unknown medication switch to an unknown amount of Fentanyl is dangerous in my opinion. That said, I use a patch in addition to my regular meds. I am on fairly high dosage for chronic pain that is severe and can't address the pain of others, but I would not move at all without the meds I take.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to SecretlyDisabled7

Not switching that was the wrong word. Added to my normal medication as I can’t move.

I’m on the 3 day one as of a today , how long did it take to start working for you?

I’m not asking for guidance from people on here I’m asking how it worked for others!

Lizzylily profile image
Lizzylily in reply to Itsallinthehips

It usually takes 24hrs to feel the full effect

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Lizzylily

Ok thank you. The nurse was a bit of an idiot putting it on most the corners just fold up a bit is it still ok?

Lizzylily profile image
Lizzylily in reply to Itsallinthehips

You have to be very careful they are very flimsy the painkiller is in the stuff that sticks to your skin so if you don't have full contact it will reduce the amount of fentanyl you absorb

Harmony60 profile image

Hi, I have been on so much, side effects issues, 3 years ago my pain mgmt gave me no choice in the matter because all the oral pain meds had begun to damage my liver. So We started on 12.5mcg patch per 3 days. Within 1 day I was curled in fetal position in pain and having withdraws from opiates. We called they said dose not enough slap on another 12.5mcg patch to equal 25mcg and let them know in 36 hours same problem, They say okay we don't want to go to strong with your breathing issues so put 2 12.t to equal 25mcg on now and change it in 48 hours. Not 72. Come in next day was driven straight 25mcg patches to change every 48 hours. She said try to give it 48 hrs and judge by 2nd patch, and that solved it. On 3 years now and they do well, they control all pain but the neuropathy pain and numbness and tingles. But it's not for that but it actually helps it at times. I am given 30 5mg/325 Hydrocodone for morning and night pain before bed and on wakeup ( half 2,5 in am 2.5 pm) helps. I have redness when I change site's but I learned put cool cloth and while just damp rub just a bit of hydrocortisone cream 1% it turns like liquid drys fast and solves redness and irritation burning and such also dry skin and peeling. I cover mine full time with Tegaderm 2,5x2 it stays beautiful and is 100% safe. Works perfect. Dealing with chronic illness and pain since 2006 started with blown L5-S1 disc, after 4 ESI injections had 5 hr hemilaminectomy they said oh this will fix it, I was pain free the total of 24 hrs. I couldn't jump, run, sit on the floor, on knees, bend at waist, or lay on right side. There began pain management, same team ever since, they are great. Over years severe peripheral and autonomic neuropathy and poor circulation in legs and almost no circulation in feet due to blockages from bad diabetes, now from L3 to last S I'm bone on bone and it's achy, but the Fentanyl still helps. My cardiologist and lung doctor do not reccomend back surgery at this point, my balance is off, I walk slow, but we shall see, but yes it has worked well for me, the only issues are if you need MRI you must take it off, and if they ever take me off that scares me the withdrawals and pain. I use Mylan Brand only, they are small, work well, stay down, and easy to work with. Good luck!

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Harmony60

I don’t get withdrawals from painkillers. I come off tramadol and zomorph same time last year after 10 years went cold turkey and was absolutely fine.

Sorry you’ve had a tough time.

So far I feel nothing in on 25 patch and have cocodamol and oramorph every 6 hours but it’s only been 5 so far so we will see I guess 🤷‍♀️

Harmony60 profile image

Do you do 48hr or 72? It took me several patch changes to get full relief.. wish you the best

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to Harmony60

72 hour 25 mcg along with my other meds still and clonzaipam for spasms, my anti sickness for my stomach and omeprazole

healthfare profile image

Fentanyl patches are much better In my opinion compared to most of the opiate painkillers.The medication is trans-dermally absorbed which means that it doesn’t have side-effects of constipation and highs and lows as much as other oral opiates- steady state drug levels are raised within three days as Opposed to peaks and troughs when on oral medication.

Since the patch is changed every 72 hours it should not wear off after two days which is a problem with the Butrans - buprenorphine patches which last one week but always tend to wear off after 5 to 6 days.

Also buprenorphine is a partial antagonist which means that it will block all other additions of opiates which are used for rescue purposes to aid pain relief - Whereas with fentanyl,you can still add on tramadol ,Co-Codamol or morphine to have additive pain relief at times of need for extra pain relief

Fentanyl dose can be Easily titrated as available in various strengths

12,25,37.5,50,75,100 mg/hr

withdrawal should not be a problem as you can titrate down wards to lower doses.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to healthfare

Had a very bad 3 days anyway but felt no different at all with pain management am now having morphine injections as well it’s got so bad and still having pain

emmy-loue profile image

I cannot tell you about the patches, but I was on Fentanyl buccal tablets (200mg x 4 daily, then 100mg x4 daily) and when I was in excruciating pain they worked wonders to get my pain under control very quickly. They actually allowed me to have some semblance of a life. You are very lucky. They took them off me. No tapering, nothing. Just stopped them. 😡 Despite several visits to A&E due to my pain and when I said I couldn't carry on anymore and wanted to end my life, they still insisted on moving me over to Oxycodone, then Buprenorphine patches, which have me the worst withdrawal of my life and do little for my pain. I'm now bed bound and I'm only 40 😔. How I miss the relief Fentanyl brings. Good luck to you. I really hope the patches give you the result you are looking for. 🙏

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to emmy-loue

On my 4th day and nothing yet although I’m in at tail end of the worse infection of my life (being treated as meningitis but they just don’t know) but I’ve got really bad pain in 4 different areas on fentanyl patch morphine injection oramorph codeine and iv paracetamol and nothing seems to be fully under control except I’m not throwing up everywhere anymore coz of the anti sickness coz at least one thing is working lol

I’m bedbound and have been for over a year I’m only 28 and have a 5 year old I’ve been in hospital 4/5 week now and only able to see him

3 times and not even spoken to him since Friday night as been so ill. I hope you get sorted to xx

Janethaywood profile image

Hi Itsallinthehips hope you are getting better pain management now! You sound like you’ve had a really rough time, poor you 😢 I’ve been on fentanyl patches for 6 years now starting with the 12.5 and rising to the 25 patch. First prescribed these for compressed nerves in my neck, plus a bulging disc, and also severe leg pain. This actually turned out to be atherosclerosis! 3 surgeries later and I’ve gone from being a healthy 47 year old woman working 50 hours a week to a 51 year old who can barely get out of bed, spends most of the time in my pjs and quite regularly think is life worth living? I suffer now from 5 other illnesses as well, and it’s soul destroying at times. I think this patch does take the edge off the pain, well I hope it does because I dread to think what pain I would be in without it 😂😂 I have oramorph as backup but never use it, I just take paracetamol if needed. Normally what I try and do is calm myself down, relax and try and distract myself doing a task like writing on here, or reading, playing an online game etc, it really works. Much love 💗

25clai profile image

I had extreme pain for a number of years due to a perfect storm of pelvic problems and undiagnosed autoimmune disease. During this time I took tramadol which was changed to slow release butrans patch. I had a bad skin reaction where the patch was , but they worked well (apart from side effects) Dr changed the patch to Fentynl. After a few hours I had trouble breathing and removed the patch, as I have never had symptoms/ asthma before. The same night my whole body felt as if it had pins being stuck into it. I had no sleep and a rash developed all over my body. I changed back to butrans , used antihistamines to get over the local reaction and relied on them for about 2 years. They worked well. The only problem was getting off them which I worked out had to be done gradually by cutting down the patches. Going cold turkey was not for me!

Itsallinthehips profile image

Just an update the patches did nothing and was in more pain so back to original pain meds and they seem to be taking the edge off for now.

Fibronew profile image

I am currently on Phentanyl patches and have been fro over ten years, I have long term chronic pain, and this medication is the only one in a long line of pain relief i have had that has worked, I know exactly when I need to change them as my pain starts to get worse. but I have to say it only works for my long term pain, anything new or short term does not seem to have the same affect. I started on a low dose when they were trialing it as a blind test for chronic pain, and at the end of the test, i found out I was on this drug not a placebo, I have to say my GP was amazed at how quickly my pain became under control. until then nothing worked, so Good luck, especially as previous mention they are cutting down on prescribing them, do not be afraid to try it. It may not work for everyone, but it sure did for me, and still is.

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