Hi there I no none of you are Dr's but ive been taking oramorph for a while now due to server nerve pain in my spin that travels down my leg causing cronic pain. i had an op last yr to try and correct this it worked for a while now the pain is back. Now the dose of morphine I'm on is not working properly and Dr's refuse to upper my doses I have a family and most days my leg is so painful I carnt do nothing what else can I take to take the edge off
Morphine: Hi there I no none of you are Dr's... - Pain Concern

There are a number of options here. From non steroidal medications like naproxen to amytripaline and related meds. Ask for a referral to pain clinic to see a specialist.
I have an appointment tomorrow I will certainly ask thank you
watch your stomach when you take those non steroidal medications and also your blood pressure. usually when you take those medications you need another drug like omeprazole to protect your stomach and to many of those are bad for your liver. also there is a good chance that amytripaline which is an anti depressant could make you so very tired.
See an Alexander Teacher and McTimony chiropractor. They will help you take pressure of the nerve. Morphine because it can cause muscle contraption may be making the problem worse
I've been to physiotherapy and it didn't work hence the op. I'm just so tired of being in pain and I no its no good being on painkillers but I'm in such a concoction of meds but nothing is helping. I've been refered back to the hospital. They have suggested possibly clamping the pain nerve but it has serious risks. All I want is to be a proper mum to my kids and to not be in pain all day every day sorry about the rant but I just feel really down about it all now and feel like I'm putting huge pressure on my family. I jst need to speak to someone and have some advice
Hi, a few years ago, (5),now, I was like you, taking one painkiller after another. In the end, I was either asleep or in pain. Eventually, I was directed to an Anesthetist, who took all my painkillers, and re-organized them, and made a few changes, to the doses (some up and some down). Rather than go through the whole saga, let me just say there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Ask your GP to refer you to a Pain Clinic (which is normally run by anesthetists), or alternatively ask to be referred to an anesthetist. Good luck. Oh yes I got my life back about 3 months after my medicines were changed.
Ask about Lyrica (pregabalin). Seems to work relatively well for neuropathic pain.
Rather than upping your morphine, ask about Oxycodone, there are two versions, one is slow release and the other gives immediate relief.
Sadly, the thing is that doctors are trying to wean patients off morphine based medications because they're addictive to some people (I've never had a high from anything, let alone morphine!) and there has been a high number of suicides with it. Having said that, pain is pain!
There's also the option of a pain specialist, who can offer treatments for nerve pain. I have bi-annual nerve block injections in my neck for it and they work. So it's worth asking.
Ignore John Smith by the way, he doesn't agree with conventional medicine, he seems to think that all pain is cure with his wonderful Alexander tecnique and other manipulations 🙄
Hi - I don't know where you live, but you could ask to be referred to a pain department in a hospital that offers spinal stimulators (sometimes called neuromodulators). I had pain in my lower spine and down both legs. Surgery, morphine and other cocktails did not help. I had a spinal stimulator inserted 2 years ago and it has reduced my pain significantly. Some of the other people there had their pain completely removed - they are back at work and living normal lives. If you want any more information, pm me and I'll try to answer your questions. Take care x