Looking for advice, when I was 22 i was hospitalised with kidney abscesses, ecoli and scepticaemia. I am now 29 and have been hospitalised twice a year ever since with severe cases of pyelonephritis. I also have constant pain due to this. I have tried the one day antibiotic and all suggested preventive measures to now be told by doctors am just prone to these infections. It's very deflating as I am a young woman and it's effecting my social life and work life. So was looking to see if anyone else had been through this and found anything that helps??
Chronic pain and pyelonephritis: Looking for... - Pain Concern
Chronic pain and pyelonephritis
What are the "all suggested preventive measures"?
Taking probiotics, changing body wash, types of clothing, changing eating and drinking habits, drinking enough fluids, not holding in the toilet, daily antibiotics, peeing before sex and after, showering after sex. Nothing has helped and I still continue to get infections.
Daily antibiotics are killing off your human microbiome.
The Human Microbiota in Health and Disease
Systematic genome assessment of B-vitamin biosynthesis suggests co-operation among gut microbes
B vitamins are important in the immune system
Vitamin D is also important for the immune system and there is a possibility you may be low in it.
This is not my field of knowledge so you need to discuss this with someone with expertise in the field.