Hi there. I was diagnosed last Friday with a UTI which travelled up into the kidneys causing unbelievable pain. I had to go to A&E in the middle of a night and this is when I was diagnosed and they gave me some antibiotics, seven day course of which I finished on Friday. But I still had some back pain so I have started another course of antibiotics yesterday, but I’m waking in the night with pain in my back and even now I’m stood up. I can feel the pain up around my upper back.
I’m just wondering whether I should ring the GP and get them to do me an ultrasound, because I was hoping to feel better, but I feel worse. I don’t have any other symptoms other than it’s painful when I weigh, I’m extremely fatigued, my temperature is 37.2.
I just don’t want to overreact but with the first course not entirely clearing it up and waking up in the night I’m a little concerned and would really appreciate anyone’s advice please.