Iam so mad. because of weak minded addict. People like me who really need medicine. Who follow guide lines and rules. Now govt.and insurances are getting in the way of controlling my pain. I've had a neck and back fusion. That did not heal right. So in more pain getting worse. I go through withdrawals all by myself . When i cant find or get meds approved. I can't always afford it. But dopesick people expect charity. I 've struggle with suicide countless times. Workscomp is a joke. One time I prayed my withdrawal would end this cycle. But never have I ever used the meds wrong .Or make excuses too. I will not give the gov't. Or insurances the satisfaction of my death. For I know iam just a #. Ciga pays to see the doctor's but does not want to pay for meds even more so. Because of the opioid crisis, that has nothing to do with me
My pain vs opioid crisis : Iam so mad. because... - Pain Concern
My pain vs opioid crisis

Try this link..it may help you to understand why opiates aren't really meeded or work long term
I gather you do not live in the UK.
In the UK I suffer Chronic Pain and need Opiates, with other pain medications. I am Pensioner now and have been a Pain sufferer for over thirty years. In the UK we have the chance of attending a Pain Clinic, they help and explain how to control your Pain, so if possible to attend these Clinics can be a good idea.
Have you tried the use of a TENS Machine, they can help you control some pain and can also help you reduce medication doses.
You could also Try Relaxation Techniques, Mindfulness comes to mind, this can help you relax when you feel sore
Warm compresses can help, also directing a shower head/warm/hot water on the sore areas of your neck and spine.
If you are frightened regard Opiate medications, ask your GP how you can vary the dose of the Opiate. This helps, just giving the body sufficient drug for the pain suffered.

Leave in U.S. and for nearly half my life my life. Been on opoids approx. 600mg a day. Then opioid crisis, came to fore-front. Now the dropped at a very fast pace 80mg a day which is nothing. So besides withdrawals have to be in so much pain. And trying to figure out, how to cope on my own . Trying acupuncture, cupping therapy, but can get to expensive. Especially when it was a work Injury.
I was lucky in a way, I was seen and had various courses at Pain Management, It brought about being able to manage my medications, so I now vary my drugs day by day.
You must be in the USA.
So sorry you're in so much pain. I understand your anger. I'd be mad too (not that it gets us anywhere ).
I hope you can find a way to get some pain relief, somehow.
I have the same issues. I am a citizen, follow all the rules, sign all the contracts and submit to unannounced urine tests. I can no longer get the one class of medicine that really helped me. It’s an opiate, the fast acting fentanyl meds. I was on them for 10 years, never had a single problem with them, but due to the situation in my country, can no longer receive this type of pain medicine. I am on other opiates that offer some help, but each day is a struggle. Why must people like me be singled out???
Hi, Where do you live and what is the problem that you can't get your fentanyl meds to help me understand better.
Here in the UK Drs usually supply codeine based drugs as a first line pain control then failing those working they climb the pain ladder. Ie next would be tramadol. Codeine in the U.K. is readily available to buy over the counter in various preparations but people still abuse the system in this country.
With stronger opiodes we are usually referred to pain specialists. I was referred to one who carried out tests on my spine ( I already knew I had 6 prolapsed vertebral discs in my spine with nerve root compression, after a motoring accident.) I am lucky enought have buprenorphine transdermal patches which control my spinal pain.
Can you ask to be referred to a pain specialist rather than just rely on your general practitioner? They will be able to get to the cause of your pain, give you a better insight and prescribe appropriately. Our general practitioners are limited.
I am not sure I would call addicts 'weak minded' as anyone can become addicted to pain and other meds. I know it's difficult when you are in pain but cultivating a no blame attitude can only help you in the long run. Bitterness no matter how good a cause you have only corrodes the soul. x
I agree. It's unfair to tar all addicts. Having been on fentanyl patches for years for chronic pain (technically I suppose I am also an addict), I can only imagine what it might be like if they were suddenly withdrawn. Be it through cost, lack of insurance, unemployment or legislation. As I understand it, a large number of addicts are people who originally were prescribed opiates for chronic pain and when they could no longer get their meds legally, were forced to other means. I am immensely fortunate in that this is not likely to happen to me, only by luck of birth, I'm in the UK. But please, try to have some sympathy for people addicted to opiates who are that desperate. With a sudden change in circumstances, it could be any of us.
I don't think your last 2 sentences were for me AuntieCath? I totally understand how people get addicted to all types of drugs! x
You are quite right HyperCard. My apologies. I totally agree with what you had said. The last part of my reply was not specific to you. Perhaps I should have placed my post somewhere else on the thread. I hope I didn't cause you any offence.
No not at all AuntieCath. I am sure we have all done this a hundred times! I hope you are well? Take care. x
I was an addict b4 my injury. So yes when we try to knumb the pain to what ever is bothering us in our head. Cause we choose not to deal with issues head on. I will say addicts R weak minded. And I have no problem amiditting it. I know how is it easy to fall off the wagon.
But I choose to be apart of the living. To be present. No matter the bad in my life. And not make excuses or reasons. And take full responsibility for myself and own m good or bad decisions.
Sorry we can disagree. For every one has right to there feelings. For feelings are not right or wrong. It's how a person feels.
Sorry Connex3 I still have to disagree. I was addicted to my own drug, smoking, for many years. Because I recognise how addictive it was for me I don't see myself as 'weak minded' at all. I accept I am human and as such am fallible, we all are.
It is up to you of course what you believe but I think you are being unnecessarily hard on yourself. Just my view. x
Thank you! I’m only 31 and have been in daily pain since 15- more than 1/2 my life. I don’t remember what it is like to not hurt. I’ve always had my fibro and chronic headaches/migraines diagnosis and just recently found out I’ve had psoriatic arthritis/ spondylitis the whole time as well. With 2 chronic pain conditions and chronic headaches I can no longer access pain medication. I had just found something that worked, the only thing I’ve found in 15 years and now I no longer have access to it. I’m back to missing more work and even worse, missing out on life! And you know where all the black market addicts are? Still getting the pain meds they were before. I was getting and using them correctly for a legitimate reason and it’s taken away from me and the opioid epidemic hasn’t been effected whatsoever. I know that pain meds have the potential to make you hurt worse and are overall bad for your health, but my health is already bad and I used them to at least have quality of life. I wish the government would consider those of us that need these prescriptions before grouping us (as the rest of the world does) with abusers.
Hi Amberly87,
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what meds were you on that you can’t get now? If it was OxyContin/oxycodone, or similar, I may have a suggestion for you to take to your Doctor.
I was on Nucynta. I was hoping to switch anyways bc I’m so sensitive hormonally that I can’t stay on one medicine too long before it affects me. I never anticipated not having access to anything though. With new laws and regulations (from the government and my current healthcare) I couldn’t even get medicine when I went to urgent care for a flare up. I’m seeing a pain medicine doctor in 2 weeks, but even they don’t prescribe pain meds; they can only give me upper lumbar and cervical injections (my rheumatologist can only do lower). I’m planning on researching a doctor that can assist me with medicine as I have been having flare ups frequently (as is the norm around this time of year), but with a possible insurance switch coming at the beginning of the new year at work, I don’t want to find someone and then switch again. Plus my current healthcare is so geographical that if there isn’t a doctor here that does what I need (which there isn’t) I have a 3 1/2 hr drive to one that MAY. I already miss enough work and that far of a drive is really hard on me. My only option currently is Tylenol 4 or ibuprofen 800 and neither do a thing for me. Anything stronger is inaccessible, which just blows my mind. I only want to be able to participate in LIFE.
Sorry I forgot to ask what your suggestion is. Also, when I started on this site, I failed to realize it was a UK site. I’m in the US and apparently things are being restricted much tighter here...well, it is on those of us that follow protocol and obtain our medicine legally from a doctor.
I am in the same situation as you. Chronic pain and was on pain meds for years which helped my quality of life. I never asked for a higher dose and always followed all of their protocols. Unfortunately we are totally grouped in with people who have abused the system and it’s not fair or right at all!!! Doctors don’t even care about patients anymore tbey only care about protecting themselves from being fined or even dismissed for being a top prescriber of opiates. It’s very sad maybe we should move to the UK? 🤷♀️
Has your Doctor suggested using two pain medications that are not the same, although complement each other, that may help. I take Tramadol on a varying dose, as the pain requires it so I am proactive with my medications
What country do you live in.
Because of the Fusion, Do you have any nerve damage in your neck
yes the hoops are annoying. for the first time in my life I take random urine tests. also, I HAVE to leave the house on the day the doctor writes on the script or I run out of medicine. nice. interestingly, the fda has just approved a tiny pill "to be used in hospitals only" (ahem, riiight) to replace IV morphine. the concerned for addicts act falls away in the face of money. and if sick people have to suffer while trying to jump through their face-saving hoops? they don't care. i'm sorry you're going through this. stay strong.
Is the pill Levophnal. I tried that it's amazing but very expensive.
I had to deal with the same thing- refill the medicine that day and that day only, and could only pick up the paper medicine from the doctor, drive it to the pharmacy, and sit and wait (a 1/2-full day affair). Even when my doctor changed the prescription instructions from one pill 4 times per day to 1-2 pills 4 times per day, I couldn’t refill my medicine earlier. So if I used 2 pills at once when flared (which, as stated, I was instructed to do so) I had to figure out a day/days to take 1 (or more) less to account for when I took 2. Absolutely insane. I was following my doctor’s instructions and was still told I couldn’t refill earlier. The people passing these legislations and imposing these health care regulations obviously have no type of chronic pain condition, or any condition whatsoever for that matter. They have no perception of the daily life we actually live or the grey areas of dealing with these conditions, doctors and medication. I would wish this upon no one and am therefore glad they don’t understand, but it sure would help if people like us got to give them a real world account of their impacts on us and the ways they could REALLY help us!
I totally know what your saying
Some times if I want to make simple plans . Like movies or just going to park for day. I have to rest 2 or 3 days to prepare. Then rest 2 or 3 days after. Just to try and be apart of the living. And making sure I have enough does for that day of fun
Hi apparently turmeric is meant to be a natural opiate withdrawal herb and also a natural anti inflammatory suppose to help with pain along with other health benefits..just a thought. Also a tens machine works wonders ...good luck 💜
Turmeric works really well for arthritis pain when combined with black pepper.
Oh yes I forgot to mention the pepper... mine say bioperine on the bottle ? 💜
Ignore them they might go away, I take opiates and they are the only form of medicine that give me relief......and that's the crux. I take 300mgs of Pregabalin times 2 and 20mgs of long tec, times 2, plus 5mgs of short tec twice daily. Its the only way I can get through my day. So keep taking the tablets I tell myself and to hell with them.
Have you taken oxycontin 60 or 80 mg 4X daily?. I was up to that amount when my postsurgical neuropathic pain was at it's worse. It did take me several months of gradual reduction to avoid withdrawal symtoms and stop the meds when the Pai eventually subsided.
Oxycontin is a long acting opioid. A large dose such as 80 mg 4x daily could prove helpful.