pain from slipped(5) slipped vertabrae causing depression as I cannot function properly I am a new participant be gentle!
depresseion from chronic pain: pain from... - Pain Concern
depresseion from chronic pain

Are you under an Orthopaedic Consultant and /or a Neurologist?
What pain relief meds are you on?
Is anyone helping you with Physio?
Do you have a good GP that you can talk to?
Phone and ask for a phone call back, maybe? Say in too much pain to get to appoinments.
Ask what help is available and can Ambulance transport be arranged or a home visit from a Therapist ??
What's the Pain Clinic waiting list like in your area ? Can you phone them and find out?
Just some suggestions to consider ?
You shouldn't be left to deal with this pain alone. x
Welcome to the group,
Well, first off you are not alone, I too have depression due to chronic pain.
I am seeing a CBT therapist who visits my home once a week, she has given me lots of info to work on .
Dont know if it will work, but worth trying
Can you ring your GP to arrange a home visit,
Referral to pain management clinic is what you need , I have my first appointment end of November.
Try not to worry, chronic pain is awful, yes and debilitating, , how are you at home? Do you need any equipment to perching stool, grabber , raised seat for your chair, .. you can self refer to occupational therapist,
Hope you find some help .😕
Sorry for you suggest u ask ur gp for bloods as mine came back interesting and started course of treatments I feel so much better. U could be lacking Vitamins,
I feel as a hca and me u may be lacking in a vitamin we don't think of it its up to you weather you want to get tested ain clinic does it as a coursel
Ask 111 for advice they will help u