How do you keep the pain for IBS i can't take the any more
IBS: How do you keep the pain for IBS i can't... - Pain Concern

The main thing is to do the research and watch your diet carefully. Everyone is different responding to this condition, but be patient and tough with yourself. Especially avoid the food you love or you’ll eat too much if it! For me, cruciferous veggies, mushrooms (particularly) and onions are out. As is wheat etc., and fried food. Eat only tiny portions at a time and don’t drink with meals. Caffeine can also be a prob for some Eat very slowly, chewing well and mindfully. Have your last meal at 7 at the latest and avoid drinking anything, including milk, till the next morning. Raise the head of your bed a little. Take Gaviscon last thing and don’t curl up to sleep.
Rub your tummy, clockwise, very gently in bed, morning and evening, till it feels warm and comforted.
For me bread was a problem but I have discovered that sour dough loaves and home made bread give me no problem. Processed food can be inflammatory to the gut. I cook from scratch 90% of the time and very rarely has IBS now whereas most of my life it plagued me.
Stress is a factor for many people . Learning meditation in particular breathing techniques that can be done anytime in a quiet spot are invaluable.
For me it was trial and error, due to the many other meds I have to take.
Hi... the replies you've had are very useful...they've made some very valid points etc.
it is a matter of watching what you eat as some foods appear to be upsetting your system. You don't say whether you are lactose intolerant... some people are unknowingly. If you are not, and can comfortably consume some dairy, then I'd suggest you try Kefir. If you are lactose intolerant, try coconut milk kefir.
Kefir is very different to natural yoghurt in as much as it's friendly bacteria stays the system unlike natural yoghurt bacteria which is more transient. Try a little of it first to see how you get on with it.
You might find juices, spices, alcohol, certain fruits, lettuce etc are off limits for a while
In the mean time keep a food/drink diary so you can make notes about how your IBS reacts... then you can eliminate certain foods etc. It's a bit of a pain staking task, but better than trusting to memory... hope this helps.
Take care
I can't give you an exact answer, as I don't specifically have your problem. However, and I hope that I'm not teaching to Suck Eggs here, have you had yourself checked for Food Intolerances/Allergies? I only ask because a lady that I know well, was being 'Treated' for IBS, Skin 'troubles', Intestinal Problems (soiling, constipation and just plain Pain). In her case it turned out that she had Multiple Food Allergies. She changed her diet and, to quote the Lady herself, 'Left Out Of Bed, a week later'.
Anyway just a Thought.
Warmest Wishes
Have you tried CBD oil yet? It helps with pain for many different things. I use it for BMS. It’s all natural, good for the body (:
Hi, I remember this pain well. I take dicloverine and alverine twice a day and works great for me. Before that I used to take mebeverine but after 10 years it stopped being effective. I'm sure your GP could prescribe something like this if you ask, there are quite a few drugs out there and it might just be a matter of trying to see what works for you. Hope you feel better soon.
Try to follow the FODMAP DIET its for ibs and what you eat can ease or make your symptoms worse! I am in a lot of pain too so I started to make a food diary, trying to figure out triggers and stuff.