I've a 25yr old son who suffers with IBS, he's tried over the counter drugs such as Colpermin, Senakot, and a few others that I can't remember the name of but they don't seem to work. He's been to the GP but got nowhere, told him to go get a second opinion from a different Gp at the practice. Any advice would be grateful. 😃.
IBS: I've a 25yr old son who suffers with IBS... - Pain Concern

Has he tried the Fodmap diet?

Hi, no he's not tried that. I know he's found out what foods trigger the pain so to avoid them. There is quite a few he's found so far.
Has your son contacted the practice manager? Has he spoken to a different GP? Has he asked the pharmacist for some advice? As a final resort, he can wait until the practice is closed for the evening and then ring 111. Tell them the symptoms, which only started 20 minutes or so ago, and that he does suffer with IBS, but this time it is more painful/ diarrhoea/constipation than usual.
Many thanks for your advice. Like most men he's reluctant to go bk to his gp after she shunned him last time. His girlfriend suffers also with it and her gp prescribed medication, which infuriated him ( she's at a different Drs ). Gonna have to push him to see another gp .
My son has very bad IBS. Also when he pushes the muscles pull which is very painful. Up 8-9 times a nightHe is under a consultant who is going to inject Botox and also examine him thoroughly. Hope your son feels better soon. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Sorry to hear your son is going through the same, but sounds like your son has ìt way worse . Does he take any particular medication to help relieve his symptoms and also the severe pain that he must be suffering.
Debbs xx
He has tried different meds which haven't worked for him, hopefully this op will help. Hope your son improves. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
A2 semi skimmed milk helps our family a lot, and sachets of cosmocol/movical to help add water to bowel movements and soften stools. You can get allergy tests at gp and I have used hair sample online groupons for allergy tests too which have confirmed separately all allergies/sensitivities to foods and other things.
I've had it for years. It affects people differently, either constipation, or the opposite. I'm the latter, but I used to have excruciating pain also, so I was prescribed med ever mebeverine, and thankfully it does settle the pain. It is a very troublesome condition, that really affects your day. So the docs should be taking it seriously, change doctors , is he nervous or embarrassed about explaining his symptoms properly, it's not the easiest topic. Good luck x
Hi auntysue.
He suffers with constipation, but then all of a sudden he needs to rush too the loo, and he says it's like a whoosh it falls away. But he said the pain is horrendous.
Yes he finds it very embarrassing explaining his symptoms. Explaining it to me his mum, is totally different to explaining it to somebody else. I'll look into mebeverine. Many thanks. Xxx
Please do its an awful condition. I was about the same age when mine started. It really affects your days. I used to sit for ages breathing in through my nose and out of my mouth to blow the pain away, it lasted up to an hour. He really needs to get it under control. Be persistent at docs. All the very best x
I suffered with IBS and my Dr said to take something with lactobacillus. Talked to someone at our local health food store and found a supplement that virtually stopped all symptoms. That was years ago. Made by Renew Life. Called Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion. One a day - the best deal is the 60 tablet container. I'm in Canada but I now order it online because it's cheaper. I would highly suggest he try this.
I have something very similar - post cholecystectomy syndrome - and the only thing it responds to is omeprazole and codeine. Not a cure but certainly gives me some relief. I've tried everything including lifestyle changes, diet mebeverine, colpermin, imodium, fybgel and on and on. Made my life miserable
But I only get the diarrhoea no constipation