Has anybody had a mir scan for fibro
No relief: Has anybody had a mir scan for fibro - Pain Concern
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An MRI wouldn't be given for just fibro but might be used to look for other conditions that could be present as well.
Fibro is a diagnosis of exclusion, that means that they have to exclude all other causes of the same symptoms before they can call it fibromyalgia, so it is likely that they are looking for any other causes rather than as a confirmation that you have fibromyalgia. Does that make sense?
I was given an MRI scan on my back as at the time that was where my fibro pain was at its worse and it was to make sure there was nothing else that could be causing the extreme pain. It actually showed I hwd deterioration of the spine which was adding to my pain. It was really to exclude a medical condition that could be helped rather than to diagnose fibro.x
Oh dear rose as if havin fibro isnt enough .hooe your on good meds x