I have an inoperable compressed ulnar nerve in my left arm my little finger is closed and I can't open it I am taking tramadol 50mg 2 or 3 times a day and gabapentin 300mg once in the morning and 2 in the evening does not help with the pain any suggestions?
pain relief: I have an inoperable compressed... - Pain Concern
pain relief

It will probably sound very drastic but I had my little and ring finger amputated on my left hand. They had been clawed for several years and nothing had helped, I was fed up of the pain when I knocked or caught them. Xx
Have you researched LDN? I am also on Gabapentin but am allergic to all pain meds outside of Tylenol. Do you have sleep issues? I just think the Gaba dose isn't enough to impact much. I take it for a bladder disorder which is an off label use. LDN changed my world in regards to pain. Attaching a link I just did a quick random google on the topic and put below. It may be useful to think about and talk to your doctor. I have no stake in this except the experience that it helped a great deal! Also, tramadol doesn't seem all that strong for the level of pain you are talking about. My Dad takes gaba twice a day as well, but he is at 800 mgs both doses. He has heel spurs which are awful to deal with.
Hi Larryp329 I can relate to issues, gabapentin works as a painkiller but also as an anti Inflammatory. Just one a day is a very low dose. You didn't mention the amount of pain you are in, having constantly suffered from trapped nerves, in my neck from my experience the pain is extraordinary.
I've got RA and a lower spinal injury and an inoperable grouth on my upper spine, I am on 4 tramadol, co-codamol and oramorph. I also took gabapentin but stopped it after I started taking Maltodextrin and creatine monohydrate.
I've not suffered from a trapped nerve in my neck since taking them and got movement back in my fingers ( mostly)
I did a lot if research and a lot of health / Physical problems we suffer from are due to short cummings in our diet. It can't reposition bones and nerves but taking the right protein does help your body help its self.
I should clarify I take 300mg of gabapentin in the morning and 600 mg in the evening
How are your pain levels, do you manage to sleep
I would say pain level is 8 out of 10 it does wake me up several times at night
I'm so sorry to hear you arecin so much pain, I also know all to well what it's like.Apart from pain killer's and anti Inflammatory drugs there is very little modern medicine can do this.
Spending so much time in bed gave me a chance to do resurtch, try different things see what helps and what doesn't.
I take creatine monohydrate to tackle the RA and Maltodextrin to treat nerve damage. I've got the use of my hands back, and since taking Maltodextrin I've not suffered from trapped nerves. I can feel them wanting to go, but its easies instead of getting worse.
Also I take 12,000 iu of vitamin d and 300 iu of vitamin k2. New research has shown the recommended doeses that was based on a study in the earth 1900 is woefully inaccurate.
I hope this helps
awful pain - feel for you - following an accident I had an ulnar nerve transposition which has failed - hope you get some relief soon
Have you tried Amytriptyline or Nortriptyline?
Have tried both. For me, both caused extreme abdominal pain and constipation. I tried for quite some time on both meds to really give them a shot, but the side effects became too unbearable. I also became a mouth breather at night from drug induced dry mouth. This created numerous tiny cavities that will take months to fix up.
I understand. What about natural pain relief like passionflower tablets, turmeric and magnesium bisglycinate? Magnesium citrate helps constipation. So does coconut water and aloe Vera juice.
I have a neuropathic condition to. Hydrocodone helps me but doctors won’t prescribe it. I have daily 7/10 pain. I feel you.
Natural things really haven’t worked. I find taking L theanine at a steady rate throughout the day helps keep me calmer which at least numbs it all a bit. I posted up a bit higher on L DN…it really changed my pain levels a few notches down. Worth at least a read. Milk of magnesia is my go to. It’s pretty reliable…but does consume a full day!
L- theanine. Good to know. I haven’t tried it yet. Thank you.
I’ve never taken any product for my bowels. So far so good.