Hi everyone. Never posted on one of theses sites before, so sorry if I ramble. I have had spinal stenosis for 5years and also have rheumatoid arthritis. I have sacral joint injection when they are available. Otherwise I have been on Zapain and Gabapentin, both at maximum dose. However the pain got worse when I fell and got a frozen shoulder. I tried oramorph at night to help with sleeping but it gave me hallucinations. I am now taking paracetamol 8 a day and tramadol 50mg, up to 8 a day, but I have only tried 5 at the moment. This is my 4th day and feel really tired and have had bad stomach pains and diarrhoea. Am waiting for another injection at the pain clinic and have already waited over 10 weeks but they seem to be having problems and have no appointments. Are these symptoms of tramadol normal? Do they get better? Any advice would be appreciated.
New to Tramadol: Hi everyone. Never posted on... - Pain Concern
New to Tramadol

Yes they do get better it just takes some getting used to, however it doesn’t always get better for everyone so keep an eye on yourself and if it gets worse or your sick etc then maybe talk to the doctor about changing them.
Tramadol either agrees with you or doesn’t it’s a strange painkiller lol
I hope your feeling better soon x

Tramadol was impossible for me. Tried on 2 occasions, three years apart. Impossible, symptoms were terrible and it was concluded that am allergic and to never try again. Be very careful, you are on a very high dose.
Hi, I took Tramadol for about three months, with Zapain. Tramadol didn't give me any side effects, but neither did they help the pain. For me, they were useless. I have tried all the morphine patches, oramorph, and everything else you can think of. The only thing that helps, and then only slightly, is three Nortriptyline at night, and maximum dose of Zapain. Sorry I can't be any more help. Hope you find a way to deal with your pain. Regards Sandra
I take tramadol, and so long as I keep it down to 50 or 100mg, I don't get many side-effects.
But you can’t take more than 100mg anyway lol
I had surgery for spinal stenosis and a prolapsed disc just over 3 years ago. When I was really suffering I took the maximum dose of Tramadol and paracetamol. They didn’t completely take away the pain, but they at least made it bearable. I didn’t have any side-effects.
Have they offered you surgery as an option? It was the only option for me, and although it was a bit tough at first I improved quickly and was out of the agonising pain I’d been in. I still have a bad back (3 crushed discs at base of spine and arthritis in spine) but it’s nothing compared to the pain pre-surgery.
I hope you get the help you need.