Changes to format: Some of you may have noticed... - Pain Concern

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Changes to format

Bananas5 profile image
23 Replies

Some of you may have noticed the changes to the menu bar at the top of the page. Or maybe not!

I for one am not happy and as yet still can't find my profile.

Let them know how you feel about these sudden unexpected changes. Meantime this is the reply I received earlier .....


JAN 12, 2018 | 05:16PM UTC

Dear Pat,

Thank you for getting in touch with us and for your honest and valuable feedback. User feedback is a big component in our decisions about which features work well and which features should be improved to ensure our users are still able to use HealthUnlocked with ease and enjoy using the site.

The changes to the navigation bar were introduced because the old navigation had been neglected for some time and needed updating to remain consistent with the navigation bar on the HealthUnlocked app and mobile site. Another reason for the change is to highlight the new resources and information we have (and will increasingly have) available for users. This information can now be found more easily and quickly, which is part of our mission to deliver valuable information and services to our users which can improve how they manage their health and hopefully improve the availability of this information.

However, aside from these reasons, we are aware that the timing of this change was not appropriate. Unfortunately, it was outside of the support teams control and therefore we were not prepared for this either. We will be working hard to update our help articles to reflect this change and to be available for any users who have concerns or need guidance in using the new navigation bar. I would like to apologise if this has caused you any distress or confusion as I’m aware it was unexpected, I will share your feedback with the product team to ensure this does not happen in the future.

All the best of health to you,


Written by
Bananas5 profile image
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23 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

I'm working on a mobile phone so it may be different on a laptop.

On the very top of the screen there are five icons- starting with a little house top left going across screen to your profile picture on far right.

For your profile click on that icon and hey presto all your details appear.

Have fun experimenting.😎

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Madlegs1

I have to listen and so far my talking software is more confused than me!!

I think I am so far right I have fallen off


CarolineC57 profile image

I don't know how your talking computer works but can you find the "Search Pain Concern" box on the upper right of the screen? Your profile pic is just to the right of that. Hope this helps.

It does seem strange that HU aren't taking into account the needs of visually impaired people on a health forum. :-(

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to CarolineC57

Found me Thank you!

Oh HU are always very apologetic when I point out what they are doing,,,then ignore me!

But be fine when I've gotten used to it.


SusieJo1948 profile image

i know whathome means you push and it takes you to your home on here. Myhub i, not sure, chat means to talk does mean we can,t talk to each other when we need help or the patients very confusing. i know what the bell is for. So we can talk to the patience that helps us all alot and talk to patiences. will you please explain thank you. susiejo1948

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to SusieJo1948

“My Hub”, shows you all the HU Communities you follow. Chat = messages

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Pat , incase you haven't found your profile yet if you put My profile in the search bar and press your picture or what ever the profile menu comes up plus several other options like who is near to you. Hope that helps. But I agree with you it is making life more difficult for new members ect, I had not noticed the change till you highlighted it thank you. As the word hub ect is so pale . Once again Healthunlocked is changing things without notice to members. Added to this my favorites menu bar has been changed too in the last few days, seems our web pagesare not as private as we would presume, enjoy your day xx

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to katieoxo60

Thanks Katie. I am not very good with changes especially pointless ones which this seems to be.

Have found myself now...just a long way off the screen. Almost in the bathroom next door!


lowlife profile image
lowlife in reply to Bananas5


katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Bananas5

Hi again Pat, I feel the same even when you get into profile it seems to have changed or is it just me.?? But guess we just have to accept the changes as moving on into digital future, Just one thing my digitals failed yesterday and no way to sort it out because we need a digital code to get advice. Even our phones need a pass code or word. You've heard the saying "the computer says" well that's who controls our lives , dictatorship in another guise.xx

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to katieoxo60

Some years ago before late night shopping or Sunday opening...a well known supermarket had all their computers fail at 4.45 on a Saturday afternoon. Result? All tills closed down and no one could pay for their shopping. A riot ensued and police were called.

Another well known supermarket announced that if anything like that ever happened in their store...all shoppers would be allowed to take the contents of their trolleys without paying.

Mum and I spent the next few months wondering around this supermarket, around 5 ish with trolleys filled, waiting for till failure.

It never happened!


katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Bananas5

:) :) xx

AndrewT profile image

Dear Bananas5 (Hey great name, by the way),

I have found a number of 'Unexpected/Unwelcome' changes, that have suddenly Occurred with no warning. Be it here, not that I use that many Functions, or elsewhere......I agree that a bit, fair bit actually, of Pre-Warning, would have been better. Come to think of it, a little Consultation- maybe even asking users what They wanted.....No, no, that's 'Silly', we are only the people Using the Service, what do we know!

A 'Slightly Belated' Happy New Year Bananas.


Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to AndrewT

Thanks name reflects where I live!!

If you have any particular function you don't like just let me know and I can pass back to HU.

For me I don't like any of it!!

One odd function is trying to sell me life insurance.


AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to Bananas5

It will be Readers Digest next!

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to AndrewT

I was thinking more Knitting weekly!!


AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to Bananas5

Either that or Kite making, for beginners, Second Edition (don't ask!).

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to AndrewT

Love it!!!!


SusieJo1948 profile image

As sick as we are it seems as if they,re trying to keep from talking about it with others. Who has same problems. its good to talk to others and the cancer there going through this site was built on that. Helping others get through it. i,m enjoy talking to the others and giving ...them the help they need even if its just listsening i for one will help them as much as i can. please don,t take that away. i,m a 5 year survivior and i can help them. susiejo1948. What hope is.

SusieJo1948 profile image

bananas5 i certainly understand why they changed it. home i get the hub what is this insurance their trying to push off on us that i don,t understand. i don,t need some other insurance and that chat i,m not sure about it. i want them to go back to the way it was very confusing. susiejo1948

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to SusieJo1948

No I don't like the insurance sales method either. I will tell HU.

The chat is where you can send a personal message to another member and no one else can read what you write.A lot of us use it to keep in touch away from the groups/


SusieJo1948 profile image

bananas5 thanks for info,i didn,t know about private messages if i,d known that i would have used it. I may need help again sometime may i ask you for help i would appreciate it. I know we don,t know each other well your from uk and i,m from usa. But i,m enjoying learning about the differences between us,your medical and mine your pain meds are different or just go by different names i,m glad i met you. susiejo1948

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to SusieJo1948

Always more than happy to help if I can. Message me anytime.

Yes I am from UK but we live in the Canary Islands now where the weather is wonderful! Our medical system is very similar to UK although much much better as we also have legal cannabis ( not on prescription yet?


Pat x

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