Hey again everyone
We are the design students from the Glasgow School of Art who have popping in and out of the forum the past few weeks. This is a wee follow up to our design project post: healthunlocked.com/painconc...
Firstly we must say a huge thanks again for the amazing insights you have shared with us! It's given us a great understanding of what it is to suffer with chronic pain and we have a new sympathy, respect and admiration for sufferers of CP. We hope we can still help you in some shape or form with this project.
With the insights from the interviews and feedback from the ideas generated we found a handful of key areas with which we could focus on. The most prominent of these areas we believed was the absence of a chronic pain awareness: There seems to be a lot of social and professional problems arising from this lack of knowledge and understanding. Even we were guilty of not knowing this before we conducted the project! This is where we have decided to invest our time into exploring.
We are thinking along the lines of a website / campaign that holds a profound message and increases public awareness. An example of this kind of public awareness campaign could be something like Breast Cancer Awareness - bcacampaign.com. Also perhaps something that can help you, on an personal level, communicate your condition to friends and family.
We conducted a quick interviews / a small survey with 14 people)on the streets of Glasgow to see what things the public associated with chronic pain. We gave them 9 options to choose from (next to them are the number of times voted for):
1.An invisible illness: 6
2.Reduced activity: 8
3. Mostly incurable: 2
4. Can be socially isolating: 4
5. Treatment isn't just medical: 7
6. Persistent pain: 10
7. Not necessarily physical pain: 0
8. No straightforward diagnosis: 6
9. Flare ups: 5
This was just to get an initial public reaction. Talking to one of the members of Pain Concern recently revealed we had missed some issues such as tiredness, keeping to routines, pacing (even on good days), lack of sleep, mood swings, weight gain and strategic planning. If we were to do a campaign like this we would need to be crystal clear over what we would be trying to communicate to the public and where the gaps of knowledge and understanding were.
Is there anything we have missed in this list?
It would also be great to hear what you think of this direction. Again we are very, very open to your suggestions and input. Not afraid to scrap this direction and follow something else if you think it is inappropriate
Thanks very much once again for your help!
Wishing you our best,
Andy and Tay