I have chronic lower back back pain stemming from a severe fall with multiple disc herniations. I have nerve ablations all the time and they do nothing. They do not recommend surgery, only pain management but they refuse to Rx me anything that works without horrendous side effects. Tramadol ER is a nightmare for me primarily due to the effect of the SNRI in it, that makes me edgy and overstimulated and it is weak pain control at best to boot! I feel like my head is going to explode! They have tried some of the costly newer meds like Xtampza, but it keeps me in a constant nausea state with ongoing migraine and has minimal pain reducing effects. Belbucca was worthless! WTF can't they just give me a regular extended release med? They are so afraid to Rx this shit anymore. I am suffering endlessly and don't know where to go or what to do. I cannot take the tramadol and NSAIDS are off limits due to stage 3 kidney disease. These doctors are cruel as hell! Maybe I can sue their incompassionate asses! I am fed up and spend my days in bed just shaking in pain. This is real and not exaggerated. Doctors think everyone is a junkie today and its a god damn sin. People are suffering needlessly! Something has got to change!
Poorly managed pain: I have chronic lower back... - Pain Concern
Poorly managed pain
I fully agree with what your saying but there is no pain medication out there that will give you full pain relief as they only take the edge off the pain. Trying to find the eight one is hard as they all have side effects. We get sent to pain management to learn how to cope with the pain which is not what we want we want it to go away so that we can get our lives back. All chronic pain sufferers feel the same. We pray that one day soon they invent something that works for us with few side effects. There has been a lot of talk on this site for CBD oil for pain so may be worth googling it. Also if your not happy with your G.P you can ask to see someone else. With most pain meds the side effects settle down after about a month of taking them so it's worth persevering with them. If you do get the chance to go to pain management I think it's worth a try for the physical and mental side of therapy. X
It's terrible when you cannot get any relief from the pain, I know how you feel. I woke up this morning and could barely move with the pain in my lower back going down my legs, even my toes were hurting. I do take a number of medications, but you do get used to them and don't get the effect you used to get. Anyway I heard about the cbd oil and decided to try it... I find that it does help to take the edge of it ( I use it as an eliquid) so after a few puffs on it this morning, I could feel the pain easing so I was able to get up to use the bathroom and got back to bed which is where I will probably stay for the day..lol. but on the whole I would definitely recommend cbd oil, as it does take the edge off to a degree, where your not actually shouting out in pain whenever you move
May I ask where you buy the cbd oil? I once asked my doctor for it on prescription but he said he couldn't give it to me, that the USA were twenty years ahead of us here in the UK, told me to grow my own at home. I actually tried this with no success and have to say, every time a police helicopter passed over my garden, I was worried about my one little plant I had in a pot. Ha! Ha!
Hi superannie,this is the oil from the top of the plant, so it doesn't get you high it just helps with the pain..it is legal so you dont have to worry about unwanted visitors lol.
I buy mine from an e cig shop, if you find that they don't sell it you could ask them to get one in for you so you could try it & see if it works for you. I pay £35.00 for a 15ml bottle, which could last me between 2-3 weeks. You can also get it in 10ml which is £25. Of course some may charge more or less. You can check up about it on the Internet as I use it as an e liquid, but you might not want to use it this way. The only side effect I find is a dry mouth and can make your vocal chords a bit noisy when breathing. If you get it as easy liquid I would recommend the menthol flavour. The blueberry tends to hurt my throat. Sorry it's so long, but maybe it's taken your mind of your pain for a few minutes anyway.lol. So best wishes and hope things get better for you xx
I hear you and have been in the same situation.These Drs are so arrogant when it comes to determining how much pain someone is in and it's true everyone is assumed to be a junkie.I am over the whole system.
I'm guessing you're from the US. And assuming that's the case you really can't blame the doctor. The doctor is at risk of losing his license if he should prescribe you opiates and make the slightest mistake in the way he writes the prescription for example if he wrote it for more than a week. There it's such a horrendous amount of controversy about opiates in the US right now that a lot of doctors are getting out of the business of prescribing opiates for fear of losing their license and going to jail in some cases. If you want to place the blame on someone place it where it belongs which is the CDC and the DEA. There are a lot more stringent rules placed on a GP or family doctor then there is on a pain management doctor. For that reason it would behoove you to seek out help of a pain management doctor. Even if you don't like the pain medication they prescribed, you can always get injections in your back from pain management doctor. These epidural injections work quite well for some people and they don't work at all for others but it's worth a try. But it can only be done by a trained doctor typically a doctor trained in anesthesiology. Somebody recommended CBD oil on here that does help a lot of people my doctor will not let me use it or I can certainly be on it. But there's another option out there as well if you're in the US. That option is kratom. I don't know if you're familiar with it but it is legal nationally however some states have made a Statewide ban on it so before you try it check with your state to make sure it's legal. Also make sure that when you purchase it you purchase it from a reliable dealer. A lot of people get it online and More Pain Management you want the red strain. But who you buy it from Jen explained that all to you. Good luck to you I hope you find some relief from your pain soon.
Welcome to my world in MA USA. The patients are suffering all over the globe because of idiot overdosing themselves. Certainly not our fault. Keep looking for the right doc if u are not getting the help u need. There r a few empathetic docs. U just have to take the time to search.