Anyone who has taken both pain meds for chronic nerve pain? Did you notice any differences? How did you transition from one to the other?
Differences between Hydrocodone and Tramadol? - Pain Concern
Differences between Hydrocodone and Tramadol?
I take it from your question you are having a problem?
I have been on both. My GP decided dihydrocodeine weren't helping sufficiently and put me on tramadol.
Just stopped one and started the other. Had no problems or side effects at all
Two reasons prompt me to consider a change from hydrocodone to Tramadol:
Side effects, including insomnia. And having to eat a lot with each dose
Efforts in my country making it increasingly difficult to even get my meds. The crack down keeps legitimate users hypervigilant, because all it takes is your prescriber going on vacation and you run out of meds. People suffering with pain have to jump through many logistical hoops each month to obtain necessary meds. Tramadol does not have such restrictions.
Hi there Lorna,
I use to take Tramadol but due to the headaches (it felt like some one was hitting me on the head with a hammer) my doctor changed me over to dihydrocodeine and the headaches stopped within a couple of days I have been taking them for over 5 years now with no side effects that I know of, also my level of pain dropped a huge amount, also just like Paton I stopped one one day and started the other one the next so nothing to worry about re withdrawal.
Regards Poppy Ann.