I was just diagnosed with crps and have no clue what it really is. I have had several pain that has gotten worse since last June, and have been going to a pain't clinic for 4 months. I'm currently on oxycodone 10mg, but if I don't take it, I can't function 2ithout pain. I'm 32 and a mother and wife. Please help me learn how to cope .
CRPS. How to deal?: I was just diagnosed with... - Pain Concern
CRPS. How to deal?

Oh dear,I am so sorry to hear of your suffering.Sadly I too know lots about.I have been suffering from pudendal neuralgia which affects all of my private areas.I do use opiates but they only work on non-neuropathic pain.Perhaps inquire at the pain clinic if they think gabapentin might help.I really do empathize with your situation and pray you find some other options to help you.Blessings🌺
Being diagnosed with crps does not tell me much. What limbs or part of the body are effected? Crps can be a catch all diagnosis given to someone displaying particular pain symptoms. It lets the medical professional off the hook because they do not have to look at the cause.
Muscle when it gets over contracted responds with pain. When muscle contracts there is often a mechanical mechanism to lengthen the muscle out again. Sometimes for various reasons this does not happen. This I suspect causes the crps. This needs a mechanical treatment approach which can take several weeks and can be painful. The over contracted muscle needs to be stretched out. There are exercises that a sports therapist can help show you. There are various massages which an appropriate massage therapist will hopefully know about. As I have no idea what is affected by the crps I cannot comment on the approach here. Yoga under an experienced yoga teacher should help be able to help.
What I have mentioned above is an investigation to prove or disprove the cause of your crps.
Hope this has been helpful.
My crps is all over my body from face to toes. John smith, I'm not understanding what you are trying to say
Please ignore John Smith. Crps is a central nervous disorder and is the worse pain anyone can suffer check McGill pain index. It used to be calles RSD, l have it and find RSD hope website although in the states it has loads of good info especially how it affects every system of the body and there is no cure. Also youtube has good advice from specialists in states who research and try to treat this and also people who try and make sense of what is happening to your body and weird pains that are beyond endurance. God Bless, Deb x

Can crps effect your whole body? When my neurologist diagnosed me, I was confused. I constantly hurt in my legs, lower back, arms, and my face tingles and goes numb. I'm just very confused.
You're correct, Hidden x