This patch refuses to adhere to my skin so am having to put extra plaster to hold it....does anybody have a solution to this problem.
FENTANYL PATCH WONT STAY STUCK: This patch... - Pain Concern

My tips;
Make sure your skin is dry & cold.
Put the patch on & hold it down on the skin with cold hands.
Wait until it's firmly stuck before moving your arm and dressing.
Don't use any moisturiser before or after application on or around the application site.
Try to wear & sleep in 'breathable' natural materials to avoid you getting sweaty.
Is the skin you're applying the patch to overly oily? Spotty? Hairy? Do you use a 'creamy type' soap or shower gel on that area?
They're a things I've discovered over the years that can/have contributed to migrating patches!!!!!! 😊
Of course, there are many adhesive dressings available if any of the above don't solve your problem - ask a pharmacist for micropore or transpore. They're little rolls of sticky tape in differing widths to stick over or along the edges of the patch.
Or Daniel87's suggestion of Tegaderm; again, ask a pharmacist......
Yes, no moisturiser or anything similar
Dont use creams and skin is dry. But do have surgical tape to use. Tk u for your feedback. Much appreciated
My experience with fentanyl was a bad one, so I would look upon this as an omen.
I wish you better luck with it.
oh dear. What happened .....
Didn't intend to worry you. I recently tried to switch from oxycodone tablets to fentanyl patches.For two reasons, firstly I was fed up with taking pills all the time and secondly, I didn't want my body to get too used to one type of opioid.
So I tried the Fentanyl 25 mcg 72 hour patch. I applied it to chest at collar bone level and did'nt have a problem with it staying on. For pain relief it worked well, better than the oxycodone. I had to take the patch off after 48 hourssince I had started to have some very dark moments mentally.
We pain people are used to the odd negative thought, but this was different league
We all react differently to these powerful drugs and my hope was that your dealings with fentanyl would be far kinder, which you hopefully have found out.
Kind Regards
It takes a lot to upset me Jim! Never entered my mind that you had....I can understand you changing your medication and agree fully. I have been on so many different morphine in both tablet and liquid form and nothing was working so now dr has started me with patches - the first was the butrane(?) patches which did nothing, then 12 fentanyl, followed by 25 (still no effect) and for the past day now onto 50...its a matter of juggling as you know. So annoyed with pain clinic as they discharged me after 8 yrs, saying there was nothing else they could do. Bottom line is they are overworked and didnt have time to try me with different medicines. So back to my local dr who so far, has had time for me. So what is next for you Jim...I do sympathise with you. In this modern day one would think there is a pain relief out there which would suit everybody....pipe dream!
thankyou for that Daniel. Have an appmnt with doc on Tuesday so will ask for a script....
Hi annietap40,
I had the same problem, despite following all the skin prep instructions. I used tegaderm and it worked great. Unfortunately the fentenyl did nothing for me pain. Go figure. I hope it works for you.
Tks for your advice. I am still in the testing stage to see if Fentanyl does work...the 25 did nothing and now on 50. So far pain still there but making me so very sleepy. This is only the 3rd patch I have had on over 2 weeks. Actually I dont hold out much hope but time will tell! What do you take to relieve your pain....
Hi annie
If you use a gentle face scrub in the area of skin you want to put the fentanyl patch on, pat dry and leave the skin to air out for 5 minutes, then firmly hold patch in place upon your "area " of choice. This warms up the adhesive thus helping it stay in place. Hope this helps
Sarah x
thanks Sarah for your reply. I dont stock face scrub but do make sure my skin is perfectly dry before I put it in place. I have come across some micropore in my first aid supplies which seems to be doing the trick. I feel more confident using that over the patch cos I know it wont come off.
I have to use Tegaderm after loosing far too many during warm weather. They are not the most adheasive things at the best of times. Using Tegaderm means I can stick them on my thighs aswell. A hospital pharmacist advised me to place them on large muscle masses.
Jayne. Have googled Tegaderm and they have baffled me with so many different types of Tegaderm. I think it is on a roll. Is that one and if so can you advise where I can purchase it. Many thanks to all who have suggested this.
my doc wont prescribe Tegaderm so will have to purchase myself. Now desparate as patch keeps falling off. Any suggestions as to what type and is it on a roll. I dont mind ordering off internet...tks in advance
I had the same problem for years but I changed address and doctors. The new GP said no Tegaderm as obviously with the patch lifting I was not getting a steady level dose anyway. He changed my 100microGram for a slow release capsules. 100mg of Morphine Sulfate. My pain relief has been far more stable now. Glad I met this GP, it makes much more sense with the capsules with little time bombs inside them. 1 every 12 hours.
Regards, Rib
Hi, I buy Tegaderm Film 6x7cm with 1624w on the box. I get them from a UK seller on ebay and they sell them at twice the price on Amazon UK. A box of 100 lasts me about 9 months. There arw a few different ones out there.