Hi dose enyone suffer with pain in there bowls
Pain: Hi dose enyone suffer with pain in there... - Pain Concern
Hi not so much pain but I've never had so much wind since I got ra and oa , I have also problems with my waterworks as well I think I might have a infection but I do think I've got IBS as my bowls are certainly not right so I'll see the gp tomorow
Yes i suffer from chronic proctalgia.
Hi do you have constant pain in your bowels all day
It feels like it's coming from behind the bowel somewhere deep in the buttock. It also goes down my leg and into my heel. It's on my left side.
They think it might be sacral nerve root pain.
I've just seen a neurologist and had nerve conduction studies done who suggested piriformis syndrome.
I can't make much sense of the nerve conduction test results and will see my pain specialist on the 16th of March.
Yes from constant pudental neuralgia---entrapped nerve in rectal anal.
pain constant---can't sit at all ! Hugs!!
Thank you for your reply i can sit down but this pain happens aftre i have opend my bowls and i have the bad pain all day the doctors dont seem to know what it is i have been under st Thomas hospital for 3 years they are trying me on tablets that are making me feel ill its trial and error now to see if they help i just need to know what it is
Hi, I suffer with bouts of severe abdominal pain when my bowel problems connected to my Behcets Disease flare up. I suffer with ulcers in my gut which can present at any point throughout my digestive tract, from my mouth to my bottom. I have had two gut operations so far due to ulcers in my gut. The 1st time an ulcer had eaten through the entire wall of my gut, causing bowel waste to leak into my abdominal cavity. Doctors though the problem was my appendix!! When they opened me up they got a bit of a shock and afterwards told me I could have died, if they hadn't operated when they did!! 2nd time from a scan doctors could see bleeding in my guy, near my illiosacal junction. The procedure to patch me up was a whole lot easier that time though, they only had to go in and take off the effending ulcers. A few nights stay in hospital and I was ok to go home. Don't get me wrong l was still in pain, but nothing compared to before. Thinking of you all x
Ask gp to refer you to St Marks hospital in Harrow. It may be a long way to travel, but they are tops for bottoms. I travel 70 miles for my check ups, but I know I am in the right place. I have Crohns disease as well as CRPS.