Pain: Has anyone found pain management classes... - Pain Concern

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carol1964 profile image
9 Replies

Has anyone found pain management classes helpful in coping with daily pain?

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carol1964 profile image
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9 Replies
carol1964 profile image


Hello Carol

Pain Clinic will help you control your condition, they can rationalize you medications.

Instruct you in Relaxation Techniques, Instruct you in explaining pain levels to your GP and Specialist, Introduce new treatments and any operations you may need by introducing you to various treatments.

An assessment will be undertaken before actual course to work out if you will benefit from the course.

Sometimes further courses may be suggested


GP sent me to pain clinic last year and have only had a 6 wk course of mindfulness in a group of 8 other people and not heard from them since. I havent had any assessment of my pain or conditions with them. In fact the chap taking the mindfulness course said pain is all in your head. This statement made me angry and a young woman in the group cry. My GP still believes I am being seen by them even though I have told him I havent been contacted by them. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

cherryfied profile image

Hi Carol

I was referred by my GP to a pain management programme run at my local hospital and I found it really useful. They were group sessions where we learnt about the science of pain and the body, as well as lots of different strategies to try and manage pain, including mindfulness, movement etc. Not all the strategies worked for me, but I've found many of the others useful, and it seemed that what worked well for one might work less so for another - it was very individual and meant you could personalise your approach to work for you.

Being clear on expectations going into a pain management programme is I think important. They don't promise to cure the pain, but they can work with you on how to manage it and hopefully 'turn it down'. As noted above, it's also not a pain clinic so they don't prescribe or assess medication. Since the course at the hospital I have also been to other self-management courses. Arthritis Action, for example, do free sessions for those where arthritis is the cause of the pain which are a v useful introduction.

sianr profile image

Pain management classes work however it depends on your ability to be open minded , everyone has different experience's and each of these is invaluable , it's about trying new management skills which may seem alien but may work for some and not for everyone. PM classes are about what you can do to help yourself it's not a cure they don't tell you what to do but advise on different ways to cope better .

Good luck

Essie49 profile image

I'm sorry to say no! However this doesn't mean you won't. I was given CBT by a psychologist and I didn't find it of any help with my thoughts towards my pain. I was trained as a psychotherapist so my brain isn't wired that way! The physio just talked to me about pacing and how to deal with flare ups. I wish they had given me real physiotherapy as I have just had it in Holland and it really helped. They also offered me acupuncture which again works for some and not others. I found it too painful. This is not to say your pain clinic might offer you something completely different. Good luck with it all.

WhatisLife profile image

I have chronic pain in my hands, arms, elbows. I went to a pain management center and had a horrific experience!! The doctor and the PAs had no empathy as a matter of fact every visit I seen several PAs who knew nothing of my history which that alone was an insult to my intelligence! I attended for 18 months and just could not take anymore!! I had broke down in tears and anger for being treated less then human.

I would be seen for less than 5 minutes and given the same medication prescriptions every time. I was discharged by the doctor that was assigned to me.

without going into details if I had continued there I the word suicide comes to mind. Till this day I am suffering not only from the pain but from the lack of care I have received.

You have to be your own advocate for treatment!! My PCP is looking for another Pain Management Center and I am actually very hesitant after my first experience.

Trying to live a normal life is impossible with pain!! I feel I have no quality life and that is all I want.

Living with Pain is a disability far beyond anything one can imagine unless you experience it. (feeling hopeless and helpless) I just want my life back!!

beverley123 profile image

The best thing about it is meeting other people with chronic pain or painful conditions as they understand how you feel where family & friends might not fully understand. When you have had it a long time though it is a bit like teaching your Grandma to suck eggs tbh.

sianr profile image

Hi Carol I have been going to pain management classes for the last 6 months and I can honestly say I'm better at coping with my pain and life in general , I thought I was literally going mad . I was emotionally a wreck , these classes have made a difference , they teach us how to identify with our body , what helps and what can make things worse , there is no right or wrong way and how to deal with flare ups . You'll get something out of it , most people do some don't find it helpful , I think if you attend go with an open mind most attend the groups because it's a last resort and they are at the end of their tether.

Good luck

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