Steroid facet joint and SI joint injections - Pain Concern

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Steroid facet joint and SI joint injections

deejames profile image
28 Replies

My pain clinic will only give repeat injections after a year ! This is just ridiculous as everyone seems to acknowledge that effects only last 6 months Max.

If any one on this forum has had repeat injections would they let me know what the intervals are and which Health Board they live in.

If I get an indication that my Health Board ( Scottish Highland) is falling short from the norm then I might be encouraged to to research this issue properly and get statistics from each Board to take to mine .

Thank you

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deejames profile image
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28 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Hello Dee

Did they give any reason?

Dr Sabu James Pain Consultant NHS Lanarkshire every 6 monthd give or take.

He won't do them any more often because risk of infection. That has been pretty standard for both here, NHS Tayside and Yorkshire. So cost doesn't appear to be the issue.

Sounds like admin up to their old tricks of telling pain clinics what they can't have. They should be sacked

Any help?


Pat x

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to Bananas5

Morning Pat. I think it's an issue of theatre space and staff. I am thinking if I can gather enough information from other Health Boards then I have a case to take to mine.

Injections are relatively successful for me but the benefits are only about 4-5 months. I am looking therefore at 6 months of pain and increasing amounts of morphine to get me through the rest of the year. Or try to scrape together enough money to have them done privately. I'm fortunate that at the moment I can do this but really I shouldn't have to.

How are you doing by the way ?

I'll message you as I've had another bumpy ride two weeks which is like to share . (its the polite way of saying dump on you) .

Sorry to hear about your dog it's like losing a near friend lost so many little dogs over the years all special got a photo album of them all

I know how you feel

talgarth profile image

Hi, In West Wales you would be very fortunate to receive treatment once a year! I have had FJI's on 8 ocassions over the past 12 years, such is the waiting list here.

I know that in Belgium for example they will only do the procedure twice in total, if the patient is not 'cured' (even though fgi's are not a cure) of pain they will look at other factors. I think you are very fortunate receiving these every 6 months and would hail the efficency of your local HB. My previous research shows the procedure costing, taking account of Anaesthetist/colleague and other theatre staff to be around £2k a time, more in my case as xray equipment required (so not cheap compared to normal meds).Take care.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to talgarth

What are 'normal' meds? If they don't relieve any pain and imjections do 0 then it makes sense to do injections.

We have a wonderful pain team here and David has a lifetime mebership.


talgarth profile image
talgarth in reply to Bananas5

Hi, 'Normal meds' in most people's case is opiates/anti-inflammatory etc. You will know the aim of all pain management teams is to relieve pain whilst getting the patient to reduce their reliance on such meds if possible. On a few ocassions when some relief has been found with FJI's I know I have been able to reduce my oral intake. As the NHS here in Wales is 'devolved' it is not perhaps as efficent (frequent reports confirm this to be the case). Pain management budget has been drastically reduced despite the ever longer waiting list which results in the time between routine procedures being lengthened. Of course it makes sense to have injections if they are beneficial but other factors are impacting on the overall provision. Take care.

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to talgarth

There is no anaesthtist when I get them down. The doctor and two nurses in theatre. 2 grand seems a lot

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to deejames

Dr James our consultant is also an anaesthetist. They are the pain expeerts knowing what causes pain and how to reduce it.

Ask him next time Dee.


6691 profile image
6691 in reply to Bananas5

On my understanding the consultant is always an anaesthetist too as like you say they are the ones that specialise in the treatment xx

talgarth profile image
talgarth in reply to deejames

I think you'll find your doctor is a consultant anaesthetist as they normally run pain mangement provision.

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to talgarth

Hi Talgarh . I've checked out the private rates for steroid injections and its about £550 to £650 depending on how many needs done. That's way less than £2000. That's with 2 nurses and the surgeon.

carol1964 profile image

So sorry to hear about your dog,it's like losing a member of your family (sometimes worse☺) maybe when time passes and thing are easier you could maybe get a pup or a wee rescue dogs,I find my 2 dogs the best tonic in the world for making me happy and taken my mind off pain,take care of yourself x

deejames profile image

On the dog Pat. So sorry especially since it was young. I miss having a dog a lot. Is your other collie pining ?

earthwitch profile image

Not ridiculous. There is increasing evidence that spinal steroid injections can contribute to bone necrosis and other side effects, so its not advisable to do them too often. Some places will do them more often if they are just putting the steroid near the joint rather than right into the facet joint or SI joint, but you don't get so much benefit from those. You could ask about other forms of injection that aren't steroid, or about nerve ablation instead.

Boozybird profile image

Could you check privately to see what the recommended interval for you might be and then hit them with that? It's absurd that they are leaving people in pain with arbitrary intervals ? Or is there some new research saying that due to side effects these injections are safest in x intervals? I think I had 3 in 2 years in Oswestry but the pain consultant there was having to work Saturdays to keep up with demand! Best wishes..

Bananas5 profile image

We are almost adjoining HB and have no problems. David gets his roughly 5-6 months depending on work load. Our consultant only does these procedures once a week so can only fit in a certain number. But in 6 yrs never had to wait 12 months. Consultant would have a riot on his hands.

I have a sneaky suspicion Highland are rationing due to cuts.


onamission profile image

My injections last about 6-8 weeks I'm told they should last about 3 months. we are lucky if we get 2 a year this is due to only having one consultant working on his own we used to have 3 one retired one had a accident so it boils down to money

Calceolaria profile image

Earthwitch is right. Repeated steroid will weaken bone. Whether that is the reason for the rationing is another matter.

wrebecca profile image

I am scheduled for my first "xray guided epidural injection of the cervical spine" on Monday. My husband had 2 of these done last year into his lower back, but they were 2 months apart. I am scheduled for a second injection 2 weeks after the first. The cost for my husband's injections were $6,000.00 US Dollars. That amount was for each injection. I have insurance now that will pay for most of the cost. I think my co-pay will be in the $300 US Dollar range. The injections were not helpful for my husband so we did not continue them. I think my injection into the neck has a better chance for relief. I hope.

Qom200 profile image

Repeat injections have a lot of risk of more damage to joints as oeasteoarthritis (research shows). There are much better orocedures available without these nasty effects - facet joint denervation. It heats the nerves up and destroys parts of it, that stops the pain signals and usually lasts 1year - procedure is almost the same than the steroids, maybe 15min longer. But the NHS is on cutback mode, i had mine done privately - £3500 - worth every single penny!!!!

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to Qom200

I've had that procedure once but I require sedation as I can't tolerate the pain. I threw up the first time. So it more expensive and requires more staff.

Its given here after 2 rounds of successful steroid treatment.

Qom200 profile image
Qom200 in reply to deejames

Oh yes, sedation is needed - the NHS save on that too and won't offer - private is no problem (well, no full sedation of course as they need to know which nerves they pick). That must be awful throwing up but completely understand - its not nice at all.

6691 profile image
6691 in reply to Qom200

Hi qom200 I hope you don't mind me asking how you are doing as I Ann awaiting having this procedure done in the next couple of months is it as painful as they say ? And did you get immediate relief? Any help much appreciated thank you Tina x

beverley123 profile image

I have had 3 rounds of SI injections about every couple of months. Each time I request a repeat they were given to me. I live in the South.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to beverley123

South Scotland?


beverley123 profile image
beverley123 in reply to Bananas5

No I live in England.

donna19 profile image

I wish i could get one my pain clinc will not give me one or my doctor even though my specialist and osteopath have suggested it hope you manage to get sorted pain is no fun xx

triciaj profile image

Hi Dee, I have been having these injections for five years now , i have four at a time and started off with having them every six months they work very well for me as they don't work for everyone. But as time went on like all meds your body gets used to it ,the surgeon explained to me that eventually they would stop working so now i get the injections every nine to twelve months . There is no set time on how long the injections last as that depends on the effect they have on each individual plus the N.H.S. will only fund the use of them to be used at six month intervals, I live in Worcestershire. I hope the information i have given you is helpful. Triciaj.x

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