Hi all been one hell of a roller coaster of a month feeling very down as just going around with this pain from doc to pain clinic,my doctor is sending me to a neurologist I think for the pain but also for my head twitching I get and the difficulty in pasting water has anyone been to one themself and could tell me what to expect
Neurologist : Hi all been one hell of a roller... - Pain Concern
Hi Brew i think most of us can relate to being pushed from pillar to post. But if thats what it takes to get help then go for it. A nerologist will examine you and ask loads of questions relating to your pain. He may suggest different meds, X ray's, scans, physiotherapy,injections etc and general advice on your options. He can put these in place if you want them. Any further treatments relating to your pain will be under him and not your GP. Hope this helps.
as well as what lowlife says, a neurologist should give you a full neurological examination, which consists of a whole lot of reflex testing, as well as getting you to do what can seem like quite odd movements (scrunching up your face, poking out your tongue, moving your arms and legs in particular ways, etc) to check what the nerve control to various bits of your body is like.
Don't be too concerned if they don't find a reason - neurology is a particularly inexact science and I have heard that neurologists fail to diagnose at least 1/3 of the people they see, which is rather higher than most other medical specialities.
If your problems with passing urine persist, and the neurologist doesn't know what is causing them, then definitely ask your GP to be referred to urology for urodynamic studies. They can show exactly what is going on with the nerve control to your bladder. I had something very definite show up in urodynamic studies, when two neurology assessments had failed to find anything.