Dear Professor McCabe
have recently come across something that may help thousands of sufferers. In Feb I stumbled on the stairs, my right foot slipped off the step landing on the one below. My CRPS went wild and eventually a wound opened on my shin, leaking Pus, the surrounding skin went white and started to crack. over the next couple of months it continued to spread. In May I realised that it wasn't a continuous spread but in spurts every time I had a shower. It wasn't the heat, I can only stand lukewarm water, It wasn't the force of the shower, The spray is aimed at my thighs and allowed to trickle down to the lower legs, I do not touch the affected area in anyway. So I started researching and came across something that I found hard to believe. It appears that the shock has triggered an even rarer condition, 1 in 230 Million Aquagenic Urticaria an allergy to water. Still not really believing I posted it on some forums and within 24 hrs had 3 more who although they didn't know the name had developed an allergy to water after a small trauma.
I immediately stopped washing the leg, within 2 weeks the wound had heeled completely and last Thursday the dead flaky skin started falling off leaving red healthy skin below.
Passing this on to your patients and colleagues could help hundreds of sufferers.