Hello, I am now 52 years old and have just had to leave my job due to my left hip in agony when I try to walk. I have had 27 years of being 'normal' as these hip replacements were the best thing that happened to me as my legs were like sticks and were quite stiff before and after my second hip replacement as I found after my first one, my other hip use to lock therefore my surgeon said I had to have this done as well. These were both successful, thanks to the great surgeon: Mr Getty who did these in 1988/1989. I was able to pass my driving test, retook qualifications to get into an office which I have always found work and swim 80-90 lengths then go to the gym and take part in all fitness classes, infact just live a normal life. I only slowed down the last 7 years as couldn't get the time to go to the gym and work which could be my age slowing down and this was only when I started gaining weight. I am overweight but this has not caused my hip to deteriorate although I know weight does not help, this is a vicious circle
I am a dilemma now as I have just heard I have to wait two months to see an orthopaedic surgeon and I am not claiming anything yet although I do need to earn money as I never married and live with just my mum now as lost my dad over two years ago and with mum getting older, I have to move out into a small bungalow and need money to live here.
I have heard you can ring up to get an appointment if one has been cancelled or you go private.