i now seem to be getting pain mainly in my feet and the top just before my shin starts i know if i go to docs they will just say its all related to my back not too bad when resting but once i put weight through it i could hit the ceiling with the sharp pain, anyone else get this with bulging discs in lower back
foot pain: i now seem to be getting pain mainly... - Pain Concern
foot pain

Yes i also suffer with similar symptoms where some thing is pushing on my Sciatic Nerve which goes from my lower back all the way down legs to my feet causing chronic pain and numbness that has now severely affected my mobility and had to be signed of from work because of it. So i can understand where you are coming from it can really affect you badly. And apart from recently having to use walking stick i dont look disabled but unfortunately i am as they say you cant judge a book by its cover. I have even had people in my own family telling me i am faking it and that there is nothing wrong with me. How i wish this was the case but alas it is not. Hope you feel better soon mate Best Wishes. Poohbear'
I like your reply I understand all you say I have stick and a scooter now ! Take care

Thanks mate for reply i am just looking for the right m.scooter at the moment. When i get one i am thinking of replacing E motor with some thing a bit quicker though. Best Wishes Poohbear'
I know what you mean people say well I have a bad back to or sore knee.but unless you have lived with chronic! Pain, where it dictates what you can do and live know when things around you are good it doesn't help I myself am writing this in my bed where I should be sleeping but can't ly this way or that way without waken myself up in pain even my morphine isn't doing much but at the end of the day it's only you that knows ,its soul destroying.dont let anyone tell you give yourself a shake there's worst than you no there's not have a shot of it.
Thank You for reply i can really relate to what your saying about not being able to get to sleep because no matter what way you sit lay it just hurts i normally get to sleep when i am just exhausted and even then if i move it wakes me up. I tried morphine patches and did not help so i have been using fentanyl patches that have helped and gabapentin for nerve pain but i am still in pain all the time. But i am still grate full because with out medication i could not function at all and there are a lot worse people out there than me in the world. Best Wishes to you. Poohbear'
I've noticed a dull ache in the foot bones. Sometimes theres a lot of pressure and it feels like they want to explode. This comes and goes. Not sure what it is.
Maybe a visit to a sports physio. They can retrace the nerve pathway from your foot pain up to the spine and release the nerve. The sports physio manipulated my discs back into place - extremely painful for a few weeks during treatment, but now I only get pain there if I over do it. Well worth doing for me. They will sort out your compensation pain too. They'll give you exercises and show you how to self manage too.
My pain now is caused by several trigger points firing off - in my imagination they are pretty fireworks, sometimes on their own, sometimes overlapping. They just need pressure to release them and I do it myself now.
No need to suffer if you get the right treatment.
I understand I bandage mine up tight as its like it at rest as well, had my back injections but never helped foot. Fee for you. Try accupunture I have treatment each week it all helps you live withpain.
I have arthritis in my hips and slipped discs in my lower back. I too get pain in my feet and sometimes my ankles can just give way. I cannot walk far anymore so use a wheelchair or mobility scooter when out and about. They give me so much more freedom. My osteopath says that it could be connected to the nerves running down from my lower back.
Like you I have scooter its hard but you get from a to b and its independence!

Well said Peacerose a scooter may not be fast but it gets you where you want to go and like you said gives people back there independence and can make such a crucial difference in peoples lives Best Wishes. Poohbear'
Thank you!
i do a lot of walking in my job but i pay for this every evening and days off but i have just been redeployed due to not being able to my contracted role due to the lifting involved i rally dont want to have to change again has a sitting down job makes it just has bad there just seems no way out does there. i am reluctant to try any multiplication has awaiting bone scan to check for osteoporosis has fracture found in my spine at t11 on my MRI
I am waiting for MRI at the moment you are doing the right thing by not getting your back manipulated when you dont know whats wrong in your back yet. As you can make things worse a lot worse if there is something wrong in your back when manipulation is carried out. I hope every thing turns out OK for you in scans Best Wishes. Poohbear'
Sports physios are extremely reliable at diagnosing. They would not treat anything without knowing what they were treating. In my case, they were extremely specific.
I went to a sports physio while I was waiting for the gp to organise an MRI scan. By the time I got my scan, I already knew what what wrong. GP couldn't tell me without a scan, but the sports physio could and had started treatment.
They are trained in injury afterall. Always go to them before the gp now. So much quicker, no messing about waiting for hospital appts. And most importantly, they make things better. Much better.

I am not saying they are not good at what they do.But if there is some thing really badly wrong in the back you could end up losing mobility. But every one has got there own choice but until i know for sure whats wrong. I dont want to risk it as i cant feel my legs properly and a Orthopedic Surgeon told me physio would do no good and can cause more damage and where my mobility is concerned i will not take any chances Best Wishes. Poohbear'
Yes, you are probably best waiting if you've been advised against physio. Maybe oncde you know whats going on, it might be an option.

Once i know whats wrong if i find out it is not to bad i would try to see if could maybe get it manipulated back in right place if that is an option. As i just want to get better and the nerve pain to stop. Because i mean i have a high fresh hold for pain but the other day i just went to sit down i felt some thing move in my lower left lumber region and it pressed on my sciatic nerve i have never ever experienced pain like this i was in tears and i have never cried because of pain in my life it felt like i was being stabbed full force with a carving knife through my left disc area and my left leg felt like it was actually on fire i was even going to contemplated ringing an ambulance and i have never called ambulance for my self before. This all started because i had 5 ton impact going of five foot loading dock on a forklift forks first into the concreat below because Tug Driver drove trailer away from loading dock as i went to take the last pallet off. I thought i was a dead man as i went vertical and off the side i braced like you are told to. But i was still thrown about like a rag doll by the pure G force that went through my body from the impact i felt like i can only imagine getting hit by a Freight Train while being attached in a metal cage. I was so pumped on adrenaline at the time i felt sore but was just happy to be alive as seconds before i thought i was going to die just 5 weeks after my 30th birthday they say your life flashes before you it did not it was just like it all happened in perfect slow motion. I mean i am ashamed to admit it but it has affected me in a bad way mentally like having panic attacks night mares where i am crushed to death in the accident fear of traveling in cars and just going out in general. Its just like my nerve has gone and honestly just changed me in to the polar opposite of who i used to be i just cant shut it off. I have to take so much pain medication for the chronic pain i am in all the time i feel drowsy with no emotion any more and after being told i could lose my mobility if i carried on working in as little as 2 months a month ago by an Orthopedic Surgeon i had to be signed of work just over 2 weeks ago now as i no longer had a choice as my back is shot to bits so even just walking is hard and standing let alone lifting and working i just hope i can get better. Thank you for the advice mate i appreciate it Best Wishes. Poohbear'
I am so sorry all this has happened to you. Don't be ashamed about the panic attacks and nightmares, they are perfectly normal after such an event. Are you getting help for these?
Sounds like your surgeon is trying his best to help you. Just make sure you have all the info if surgery is an option. And find out who is the best surgeon to do it.
You will have a strong case for compensation, but this can take years to sort out.
We have an excellent spinal injuries charity here in Scotland. There will be one where you are too, may be worth seeing what they can do for you.
Try not to worry about the future, but focus your energy on the now. Now is all we have. Focus on being (sad, yes - we need to be sad sometimes, happy, moody, funny, silly, idiotic, tired, lethargic, daft) and much less on doing. So much of our success in society is measured by doing, and rarely by being. Enjoy and/or recognise each of the states as they happen - may be a bit hard to enjoy being miserable but you can see it for what it is and just let it happen.
You experience foot pain if you have a problem in your bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia, toenail beds, nerves, blood vessels, or skin on your foot. And these can be treated by taking a rest, pain relievers, observe proper diet and other medications for anti-inflammatory, like the copper bracelets from Sabona Canada.