The meds are not working I'm in pain 24/7 not sleeping massive stress which is not helping me cope the nhs is not giving me any support had physio still doing back exercises had a divorce now waiting for a finacial order big worry si joint pain and l4/l5 asked for X-rays scans all gps said no can't take much more
Can't cope anymore : The meds are not working I... - Pain Concern
Can't cope anymore
Hello Fishnchips 14, you sound very low.Sorry can't take away your chronic pain or the stress of your divorce. All I can say is you will come through the divorce, and your pain can be managed with different painkillers at least to help you cope. Go back to your GP and say the drugs your on are not working enough for you. The pain may never go altogether but there are lots of things and drugs to lessen it including physio, you need to work out what works best for you for maximum relief. Take care and try to accept that some days the pain will be worse than other days, sorry I have no magic wand or wonder drug to offer.
Got hospital appointment next month and gp too will ask for more help towards understanding what I can do if you had a wonder drug or a magic wand you would be worth your weight in gold thanks for the reply
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. I think that stress can make the pain much worse as it tenses up all the muscles which then pull on the joints I always find if for any reason I am stressed or extremely tired the pain seems much worse. I am waiting for physio on my hips but admit I am a bit sceptical about some exercises the physios give as the last lot I had for my back actually made me much worse. . I know if I overdo it I am going to suffer but some days I just go for it regardless and face the consequences afterwards. I don't think with our problems we are ever going to be completely pain free but hopefully there is something out there that can make your pain be at a more acceptable level most days but like most of us you are bound to experience peaks and troughs with the pain and it sounds as though unfortunately you are hitting a trough. Hope that something comes out of the hospital and GP appts to help you. In the meantime sending you kind thoughtsx
Thank you
I'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering so badly. I have had 7 fusions on my back and know only too well what severe pain does to you. Remember, you are your biggest advocate and whatever you do....never give up hope. In the USA, the teaching hospitals offer the best hope. I hope that you have those kinds of options where you live. I will pray for you and hope that you will find some relief--even if it means taking the edge off the pain for you. Maybe someday there will be help for people like us. Hang in there. You are not alone.
I do say my prayers thank you
Medical marijuana really helps with chronic pain. Hope you can have access to this in your area.
Hi did you say your gp won't do a scan? That is horrendous and you need to go to another surgery or complain to your local health board. Although you probably don't need it with everything else going on. I woild seriously recommend you find a CBT counsellor as I found them brilliant when I was so overwhelmed with life I was struggling to cope. I hope you are at least on anti depressants? X
All 5 gps I've seen have said no too scans and X-rays I'm on amitriptyline 10mg tramadol 50mg meloxicam 15mg I take 3 amitriptyline at bedtime tramadol up 4 per day x2 hot water bottles and cold packs

Are they all in the same surgery? If so can you move surgery? Also if you can afford to, you can always go and have an appointment with a specialist who can then write to your GP with his recommendations, which no doubt will be a scan. The appointment may cost £120 but it may be worth it. Which area do you live in because you could always ask people on this forum for recommendations in your area?
Live in the south west yes all at the same surgery I'm not working at the moment as I was working in a warehouse

You can always ask to be referred on the NHS via your GP and if they say 'no' contact local health board and complain. Let us know how you get on
Hi did you say your gp won't do a scan? That is horrendous and you need to go to another surgery or complain to your local health board. Although you probably don't need it with everything else going on. I woild seriously recommend you find a CBT counsellor as I found them brilliant when I was so overwhelmed with life I was struggling to cope. I hope you are at least on anti depressants? X
Hi fishnchips14,
I know what you mean in terms of the the pain.Docs cannot help stop the constant pain and lack of sleep as as result.I had an injection done recently but to no avail.I feel like I am in the last chance saloon.I am sorry to hear about your divorce, also going through a tough daily existence as the pain has affected myself and the whole family.I try to take one day at a time,and not look too far ahead.I use hot water bottle and relaxation,rarely taking any medication as the side effects are very bad.I spoke to the GP to see if they can send me to specialist that can help in terms of the right medication for me, but he said speak to the surgeon which I will do at the next appointment.I have no job due to not being able to work,due to my pain,my wife is working but I get no incapacity as they say we earn too much.i can't understand why I am being penalised for being in pain.I wish I could say here is a cure but there is none, keep on and stay positive.sending you positive vibes.
sorry to hear things are tough for you at the moment. my husband is also suffering chronic upper back pain, fatigue, depression, tingling in hands and feet and despite MRI and numerous trips to chiropracters etc is still waiting a diagnosis. He has had extensive physiotherapy and just seems to be chasing his tail in the hopes of finding an answer. He did something as simple as a forward roll and landed awkwardly and his problems have escalated since then (February). He was very active and had a great interest in cycling but due to the intense pain is unable to cycle and has got very depressed as time has gone on with no light at the end of the tunnel. Because of his clear MRI they are saying his problem is mechanical (muscular) but the fatigue he suffers is like flu and with all the additional symptoms (tingling, sore fingers etc) he still feels he has hurt his thoracic joints (2 in particular). He had an appt with orthopaedics on Fri and they have referred him to the pain clinic. He feels that this wont solve what is wrong with him and after 7 months he has lost heart!!!! He was taking gabapanten but ortho thot it was giving him the fatigue, tired legs etc even tho he had those symptoms before he started the tablets..... just have to keep praying like so many others that this nightmare will soon be over.... hugs!!!!
The thing that is helping me tremendously with chronic back pain is DMSO. (dimethylsuphoxide) This is a natural product obtained from tree pulp with no side effects other than some possible slight stinging on application to the skin over the painful areas. So far after a month of regular usage it has reduced my back pain by 70% and completely got rid of carpal tunnel syndrome. It is available at very reasonable cost from Amazon along with books on the subject. As for the G.P., it sounds as if a change of doctor might get you off on a better footing with someone who is more helpful.
I have also found that the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a very useful tool for all pain and disease. There are lots of practitioners everywhere, and Brad Yates is one of them. You could try looking up his videos on U-Tube and following along. He covers all kinds of subjects including back pain, so as you follow along you can learn the technique to use for yourself.
The Bowen Technique has also helped me and other people I know considerably. I found a local practitioner in Yellow Pages. It is gentle and they have special treatments for sciatica.
I do hope this helps. Constant pain is very wearing and stressful. I have not found the N.H.S. to be much use, so I have just got on and found my own solutions. Good luck with finding yours.
Will look into all you have said thanks
thanks mrssag i am awake at this time, thourghly shatterd , in pain eyerwhere andan awful day (again) have some much needed positivity from you and i too have had more sucess with a range of symptoms with natural remedies, if i wasnt so tired n down id explain, but basically THANKS xx
A lot of good comments have been posted here. Stress, I have found, plays a big part in how you deal with pain. Maybe it is that you are vulnerable and not able to cope as well as you would. I know it is easy for me to say, but it will get better. You will become stronger and things will improve. You are not in a good place at the moment and it is really hard to deal with it all. Try and see another GP so as to get your scan sorted out. Keep on searching till you find a GP that you are comfortable with, listens to you, and sets you on the right path. All the best. Ann
Thank you ann everybody here had been a big help and really appreciate the comments this site is good it's a lifeline
Sounds like you need to see a different doctor. Have you been to a pain clinic sweetheart? Sounds as though you are twisting in the wind. That's not good. Pain wears you down and your doctor should take notice. I hope you find another one or pain clinic that can help your suffering. As for your divorce, I feel for you, been there and it's very stressful and that makes everything worse. Hang in there and go doctor hunting. xxx Mitzi
Have you tried meditation? plenty on you tube to try. They will help keep your worries at a minimum so you can focus on the important stuff. Takes time to learn, but will help relax your body too.
CAB may be able to help with GP and scan situation. Your MP too could help.
Pharmacists are good at sorting out meds, and could maybe recommend different combinations to try. (They are not controlled by drug companies to prescribe x amount of certain drugs as GPs are. If they meet the target the gps get a juicy payment. Which is why everyone is on the same few drugs.) The pharmacist xan advise your gp to change things if they think it would help.
Yoga or pilates will help your body and stress levels. Find a remedial class or one where exercises are adapoted for disability.
When you try a few of the great suggestions made by everyone, you'll start to feel more in control, and more able to work through your problems.
I've done some meditation will try it again I knew about the gps getting a nice fat profit
I also find playing music on my I pod helps to me relax a good hot bath works well
I will look into all you have said thank you for taking the time reply
It's all trial and error finding combinations that work, or your body likes. Keep at it though, the more you occupy your mind, the less you can focus on thec pain.
Hope you find something that helps.
playing my guitar helps takes my mind off things can't play for long periods as it hurts to sit also suffer from pain in my hands too
Got a letter today from the hospital my appointment has been cancelled till October so another month to wait