I was down to.450mgs and doc took me off and gave me pregablin 60mgs...i was in withdrawel and in hell...took pregablin for 5 days it made me worse..off all med and going thru hell..went took 150mgs just now dose i was on x 3 a day tapering..was that wise?feel weird but your meant to taper slowly and i wasnt..body/mind messed up..docs useless...was off gabapentin 6 week..not any better..
Hi everyone...HELP PLEASE?..was on 900mgs of ... - Pain Concern
Hi everyone...HELP PLEASE?..was on 900mgs of gabapentin for 8-9 months..had really terrible side affects so was told to taper....

Hi lewis08... I am dreading coming off mine!!!they say those your ?on are bad to come off!!I would slowly come off
Hi...i know their bad to come off that's for sure....my doc put me in withdrawal and i even told him the dose of pregablin was too low....he said pre was stronger..i was struggling to taper...half way through he made me do cold turkey..worst hellish nightmare ever...got no help from unfeeling doctor's....6 weeks on i am not a single bit better...out my system but that gabapentin has totally destryed me...dont ever come off your med unless carefully supervised and monitered...sure you will be fine...takes a very long time but in the end you will be better of that EVIL DRUG...thanks for responding...take care....
Can i ask why you were told to come off Gabapentin ? I too am on that drug, but i've been fine while on it. Xx
Hi,gabapentin gave me so many unwanted side affects,too many to mention,its good you dont have any,its not for everyone as were all different,if it agrees with you then thats great,my mum in law is on it too.shes fine apart for being a bit shaky,dont ever mess with the dose,up or down without your docs say so...its horrendous..
Been there on another pain killer. It's horrible. I go to a pain clinic and it has helped make my life bearable. Hope you can find some relief sweetheart!!! xxx Mitzi
Thanks mitziblue,can i ask you?how long before you felt more like your normal self after you came off gabapentin?6 weeks off it and i am going insane,pains worse but waiting for an appointment with pain clinic!hope your well and thanks for kind words hun...jan xx
Well it took a month for the withdrawal to pass, the pain raged until I was put on Opana ER.
Been off 7 weeks now,went to a diff doc yesterday,the one who put me on gaba and although i told him about whats going on he gave me antidepressants..
Yes ive had enough now..leaving me struggling till middle of july now with whatever the reason behind my horrendous after affects...no one will listen...i think because they cant diagnose me if it slapped them in the face....going go see if a chinese doc can help for now?.
Taper yourself slowly...reduce the dose every two to three days. Gabapentin is a nasty drug and has some nasty side effects. I was on it for pain...and did not feel my self at all, nauseous, moody and irritable and vey forgetful. And had terrible insomnia when withdrawing. Herbal Nitol helped. I feel better off it. Good luck and go and see a different dr and tell them how it makes you feel. Wish you all the best.

Thank you,i'm off it now but still have horrendous side affects,its affected my mouth throat tummy about everything and no sleep,docs dont care,switching them soon and hopefully they will help?think side affects i have are the worst ive came across yet?asked lots of people on diff forums,nothing like me at all...