Who agrees...that if you're having extreme pa... - Pain Concern

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Who agrees...that if you're having extreme pain..unable to do day to day stuff .and worked hard.if could of.of course.. should be able to...

louiseamos profile image
17 Replies

Get government help...I claimed DLA..few years ago.has was having to have time out ta work for a spine op..got it within.. 4 weeks..now soon has went back work l stopped it..told after shouldn't off..and way last September when things got bad had to put my 2 jobs on hold to much..applied for Independent living..what a dam night mere...they have had letters off gp. spine care..my MRI..doctor got them told I am disabled due to spine.joint.dizzyness..all true..now April..I've rang..comp landed..someone landed 2 week ago..got me to touch my toes..etc..said if in wheel chair would of got...soooo mad....I've been told end April....will knew..I parked in disabled bit other day and a man said emmm what do you think you're doing..couldn't walk..had my stick..they were around 65 ..made me up set...if over 65 no prop with DLA..not far even though I've been told have spine of a 65 year old..I couldn't walk they could..what's this come to.. l knew in time will be in a wheel chair....time will tell.i get looked down at..I've worked since was 14.. in a family pub long hours.and since ...if I get letter to say no..I am going to court..even now not working still paying my council tax etc..if it wasn't for family at minute!!!!??I am really concedering finding a part time job..even though docs all say no!!! Have to live.....advice....and what do you think on this one..oh it wwasn't even a doctor that came to ass me!!!!! I've been a health care person for years..and felt like she didn't knew what was doing..see I've served my county too home care..20 houses a day..will again..I will shoulder onxxxxxx

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louiseamos profile image
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17 Replies
tettridge profile image

Hi Louiseamos

I am so sorry that you have been put through all this as well as trying to cope with the pain is I know very intimidating esp. as you feel you can't cope.

You need to claim DLA or PIP and every other acronym that there is for people in your situation. Start with your local Citizens Advice Bureaux and they should help

I know there are people who will help you with some great advice of what websites to go to but I just wanted you to ono you are not alone, there are losds of people on this site that can help.

I will check tomorrow (today) some sites and if you have not had any feedback then I will come back to you.

Take care and kindest regards


louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to tettridge

Tettridge.. hi..and thank you so much for taking the time to read my message has well has finding me imfo.. looking at web now..I've a puppy like one in your picture..h.if wasn't for him..wouldn't get ouuta bed..kind regards looking up now .louise

tettridge profile image
tettridge in reply to louiseamos

Hi Louise

The puppy in the picture is little Holly, she is six now, we have another Shih-Tzu who is 10 and that is Sasha. Also have a Lhasa-apso (Mia) who is two (Three this year) and we have a Cocker Spaniel (Jessie) that was a bit of a rescue, we got her at six months old and she is just over the year now and we realised that the little dogs are so much easier to manage than mad Cockers.

The boss of the animals is the Cat (Muffet) who we saved when he was a kitten and he is about Seventeen now and he does tend to beat up the cocker because she is to lively for him.

Yes we do have a mad house and although I walk them every day (some days the cat comes to) these days I use an electric scooter instead of walking but even that can total me even though they all do as they are told and come when called, it is just the strain of looking after them all I think, but they do get me out the house so that has to be good.

Take care and kindest regards


louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to tettridge

Tettridge.. ohhhh that's the nicest .kindest..lovely set..thing I've heard in a long time..all you've been though and still find the time and energy to rescue those lovely dogs..cat..animals are healers them self's ..I got mine 2 month before my last bad do.. if wasn't for him wouldn't of gone out..got up..he's best thing that's happened in long time..oh yeh I've a mad house too..but keeps you kicking...that's really nice..its good job their all well behaved.. mines better behaved then my 3 kids..sounds like you've your hands full their..I miss my old cat..my dog has just been shaved..bit of a shock because had he's fur long for long time..but can't keep on top off it..can't bend to brush him..has you knew their fur grows so fast..kind regards and all best to you too..that text made me smile...thankyou

tettridge profile image

Hi Louiseamos

Me back even quicker than I thought, one of our members on the FibroAction Group has given these links to websites that can be of benefit to you, one of them is for a Fibroaction website but I thought you might get some information on other Arrows for you bow.

The Following is from his answer to a person in your shoes so it should apply.

-DLA has now become PIP in most regions, and you can apply for this whether or not you are working, I have pasted the PIP claim link below for you to have a look at:


If you are not currently in employment (or had to finish work because of your illness) and your circumstances meet the criteria you could try and claim ESA, I have pasted the link for this below also:


I am also pasting a link to our parent site, FibroAction, as this has a lot of information pertaining to Fibro and benefits and I hope that you find it useful:


I do hope you gan get some information to help from these sites, and do not forget the CA also has a web site so that may be worth a look at.

Take care and Kindest regards


pinktiger53 profile image

PIP is generally much harder to qualify for - it is not just DLA with a new name - it has totally different and stricter criteria. Last thing I read only 37 percent have got it. CAB are great though this benefit is new to them too - and often with conditions that seem to mainly focus on pain or fatigue or is variable it is very hard to prove. There is also some great free help online such as the charities for fibro and Action for ME who have lots of experience in helping tricky cases- this includes general advice and form walk throughs that explain things from the perspective of the assessor. It is very hard work to complete these forms as you need lots of detail and lots of repeating yourself but you have to do it - do not be put off and allow yourself lots of time - break it up - it can take days to do but it is worth the effort. Unfortunately as the criteria is so strict many people are just not going to qualify and it is a myth that if you needed a wheelchair you would automatically get it!! However it is often about the words you use and the elements you focus on that makes the difference. There should not be a claim form technique but sadly there is because the assessors are following criteria and guidelines then applying them in a certain way to tick boxes. It's like as you fill the form you have to look at 'can I do this at all?' 'Can I do it safely' ' can I do it repeatedly if that would be necessary in real life' 'can Ido it without help' 'what help do I need to do it (even if don't actually get help ' can I do it in a reasonable length of time to be realistic' and very important ' if can and did do it would I be risking my condition worsening deteriorating' - if get pain when do it how soon would the pain start or is it there before I start.

There is also a service called 'benefitsandwork' which you pay about Twenty pounds for 12 months of info guidance and support - they are highly recommended by many and considered well worth the money tho I haven't used them myself yet. The help on the Action for ME site and the like are free and tho aimed at those suffering certain conditions can be applied to anyone. For AfME it is in 'publications' 'information leaflets' and there is an overview of PIP and claim form guide. Excellent.

I helped my husband claim ESA recently with their guide but I am seriously considering subscribing to 'benefitsandwork' as well despite the cost to get us through the first PIP claim as everything is saying it is so hard.

It is also worth asking for review then going to appeal. It is very unfair and very exhausting and shouldn't be but sadly that's the way it is - and it's best not to let the frustrations put you off the effort involved.

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to pinktiger53

Thank you pink tiger 53... its been so frustrating... I've rang here and their.. even my gp said I am disabled... that's why they try to put you off..I've worked hard up till few month ago..now can't..its up setting...going nuts with it all..I do understand its to get some off it that's been on it for ages and now better....but not far on us that aren't

MManaging... feel like your getting judged too..to me if suffering chronic pain..for what ever..your I'll..no one wants this..I'd love to walk miles like used to..go shopping with out having to keep sitting down..can't bend to put my shoes on..but DLA sent a doctor when I was last I'll..and had no props...thankyou

pinktiger53 profile image
pinktiger53 in reply to louiseamos

Please check out the sites I mentioned - if you can find someone to help that's great too. Just make sure you are clear about how symptoms vary and explain if even with pain relief you still can't function - because if you can manage with pain relief and disability aids that means to them you can manage. It doesn't matter if you are suffering pain - it's how that pain or the side effects of meds you need affect your ability to do something. It's really important to get to understand what exactly they are looking at. People focus on the injustice of it all and how hard working or deserving they feel they are. As far as assessors are concerned pain is a very personal thing and it is experienced and affects everyone differently- and they don't know you any better than the nearest fraudster and back pain is one of the most commonly used types of condition by fraudsters ( including ones who were genuinely eligible at some time in past but don't report improved condition) so they are on full alert.

PIP is to do with activities of daily living not having a job and whether you can function to a reasonable level if you use aids and medicine prescribed. ESA looks at your ability to be a reliable safe employee and if you are risking further damage by working or doing activities to find work.

It's not fair genuine cases have to jump through hoops because of fraudsters but how can an assessor tell the difference in reality.

It takes a strong stomach to cope with benefit claims and is very draining mentally physically and emotionally.

Bananas5 profile image

You don't have to have worked hard for a long time in order to claim PiP or ESA. Some people have worked a long time, others never. PIP is an in or out of work benefit awarded to chronically sick and disabled people.to meet those extra costs. Most people who apply are refised on the first submission. They try again usually immediately.

ESA which is paid for those who are unable to work through sickness or disability. There are 2 groups. ESA WRAG where you are expected to recover and return to work. ESA support where you will not return to work.

If you live in Scotland I know someone who will help you with filling in forms and lead you through either PIP or ESA or both.

There re many people in England too. Disabled themselves and have also gone through the nightmare of filling in forms.

CAB has closed in many areas an Welfare Rights Officers seem to be a thing of the past.

If you tell me where you live = pivate message me - I can put you in touch wih someone if you want.

Please don't believe all that you hear from this government about the 'deserving' and 'undeserving' it is propaganda. Long term sick and disabled people are honest and it is the able bodied who try to cheat yje system/

Pat x

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to Bananas5

Thank you Paton..you've well right..my doctor told me to go on light duty last time I was this bad..she didn't really want me going back..but knew I wanted to try..I ended up worse..you've correct their are the ones who really need help..and ones who just want to take. I nearly gave up.sick of ringing them..its been now 8 months..since I claimed. really can't understand how DLA was so nice and help full..but this indepentent things a night mere.I am on morpine for the pain..dizzy spells.all the time..which makes me scared when in my self..in fact when the asser was in and asked me to stand I nearly fell over...their not doctors etheir.. I've 2 austisc boys who I worry that this will happen my 18 year old due to claim this...he gets panic attacks and can't talk to strangers he's a mind of a young boy...I worry for them..so understand no wonder we all get up set..I knew of many whoget stuff and shouldn't..this is why its got to this...I only need to claim until feel better... doctor said won't be same now!! But if get a letter from your doctor saying your disabled does that not count?? Feel sorry for the ones who don't understand the forms...well I struggled..PS live in Cumbria xlou

louiseamos profile image

PS pat..I don't understand all these different names for things to claim..need to do something..has my other half has packed in work to help me..I am worst been..xxx

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to louiseamos

Send me a private message and i will email you to help where I can.

Pat x

louiseamos profile image

How do I do that!!! Sorry just got my first I pad this Xmas off my other half..so not that good on it yetxxxlou

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to louiseamos

I have sent you a message. It will show up as an email on your laptop or tablet. You go to your forum profile and answer me. Hopefully!

Pat x

louiseamos profile image

PS..to all kind to repley to me..I knew all too well don't..shouldn't just be able to get stuff if worked hard ,to claim stuff..have 2 boys who are autistic.. and youngest has ADHD.too.and my oldest is 18..can't talk very well .can't look after him self. won't go out him self..not nasty agassist.. those off us born disabled...need to be able to claim the things..its those who you knew jump.skip.laugh at those like us who are treated like a lie....its not right..example my 90 year old granda.. who can't walk now.and my grandma who has demetsure.. what a fight I had to get council to put a shower in for them..they've paid rent all there life has their son lives at home and works....some things are wrong..and that bed room tax don't get me started on that..they lived in that house for 60 odd year!!! Xxxxxx

earthwitch profile image

definitely get help filling out the forms. It will increase your chances hugely of getting it. I've always used the disability welfare person at CAB and they are great. They will also do the appeal for you if you get turned down.

louiseamos profile image

Thanks earth witch..I will get..or try to get help filling forms etc..if ever needed the help.do now..I will appeal if don't don't any were..x

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