Thanks for advice..I didn't go ahead with my ... - Pain Concern

Pain Concern

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Thanks for advice..I didn't go ahead with my operation which was in 3 days.think made right has told me I've a s shaped

louiseamos profile image
26 Replies

Spine..and now tracking out..yes so went Newcastle he will put on hold for 3 month...but stressed any numb ness.must go to my doctor..I've a lot of

Hips and spine..hehe's 99 per cent sure that's what's up with my upper back..knees..wrists etc .haven't had a upper scan..any way went he told me one legs longer then hips are one up one down and I've a so shape spine..any thing eles eh...I live in old body but young at heart.. really want to go back to work..yeh pains bad arss but going nuts..any one have or knew what this means..he only gave me one exercice to do..he put my tail bone back in place..hips killing now....i can see in mirror my hips not right...but cant see my back looks diffrent????? Do you have to have surgery for this..ive just put my big prolasp

.off...advice folks...


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louiseamos profile image
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26 Replies
shordy profile image

I have all those same problems and I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. Theres is no cure it's Ur immune system attacking the joints down your spine and other joints throughout the body. Knees,wrists, fingers. It's chronic pain everyday I'm 26 and it's caused me severe depression and my doc gives me ZERO pain meds.

Brett85 profile image
Brett85 in reply to shordy

My ex in law has ankylosing spondylitis, He's taking a RA medicine that is working really well. I still see him. He's getting bent over at the waist

a lot over the past 3 years. The medicine takes away his pain pretty

well. It's enbrel.

trudyl65 profile image
trudyl65 in reply to shordy

No medication how do you deal with this such young age . So what they expect you to do xx

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to trudyl65

Trudyl65.. I was thinking same meds..god mine got stronger has time goes on...I feel like I am falling to bits..very confused since going physio yesterday...I can't see my spine is different..he said one hip is turned in??? Hips very sore..that's why put my disc prolasp on hold.has hips etc sore then legs..and back doctors said back operations only help with leg pain...xx how you copeing..louise

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to shordy

Hi shoddy..can I ask who gave you a diagnosis??? I've been to a rumatolagist.. took blood came back fine...then that was that..oh I've been having bone..joint..props from my 20s..hurts to drive now:-) I was in hosptail 2 year ago with bad phumia.. can't spell..looked like I was dieing.. doctors were baffled even checked me for aids..really I'll..was fine.still get sore upper chest were worst was..thank you any advice would be gratefully took on...sorry to here a young one like you in so much pain xxxx louise

trudyl65 profile image
trudyl65 in reply to louiseamos

Hi louise I think the mri is specifically one to look around the area were spondylitis is Google it get you an idea xxx

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to trudyl65

Trudyl65.. you knew I've had around 6 MRI scans..but allways been of my lower back.?.will look up.would help if had doctors who really knew their many mistakes now...I knew even had it with my 3... kids..older doctor we used to have knew what was what..lots now just think you what pain meds to get off your head....oh yeh one doctor told me I could die on diaspam.. and that's what folk on drugs take...I was mad and up set....xx

trudyl65 profile image
trudyl65 in reply to louiseamos

Yes I know .. didnt know you on diazapam .. its so frustrating isnt it... alot of research am worried sick about my results but if they say op to relieve all pain in bum legs an no pain no more but can they garantee .. good luck .. I thi k maybe this arthritis as all hip bum swollen surely a inflamed nerve due to disc in back wouldnt case that xx

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to trudyl65

Trudyl65... it hurts bad I knew..see if they did the operation in it was to be would of had it...was awfully.your simptons sound like mine were...bottom my spine is swollen... this is worse bit ...whating... when do you go?? My doctor got my MRI faxed over to her..has was weeks till I saw the neurosurgery.. dizpam.. helps me to sale.very hard to come off though...xx feel

For you really do..and more we look up internet...theirs so many simptons that are same not to say it is..xxxxxxx louise

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to louiseamos

PS turdyl65.. I had it in bum..leg right to toes....could of cryed.well did xxx

trudyl65 profile image
trudyl65 in reply to louiseamos

Gettin shower hey ho hope have win in races xx keep smilin xx

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to shordy do you cope with the painxxx feel for wonder your dam deprest..... xxxi get like that now and then..when you wake up every morning to this no wonder gets folks down..its hard I knew..I got a dog last thing I've done in years..he makes me feel friend.. hallways their..don't moan when I am in pain..cause it does..must..get other family members down..I can't do things like used toxxxxxxx

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to shordy

Hi shordy.sorry I knew it was few days ago.but I've looked up this you said have..and oh my ghoss.. in my 20 so had upper back pain..unbearable by the way..doctors used to fobb me off.I never was giving any thing 38.. physio has said I've a wonky did that diagnosis this.please any advice be great.xx god bless louise

Brett85 profile image

Can you exercise that problem away? Do you know why the hips hurt?

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to Brett85

Hi brett85.. thank you for respond one has ever told me what's wrong with rest my spine..upper..and wrists..knees..elbows.etc..knew what's up with lower back..right through my 20 so had my left shoulder through to my chest hurt like hell when breathed in down arm etc..doctors said it was a pulled muscle.. for 10 year l had that..then when I was 32 my joints got unbearable then lower back..disc props..only Friday yesterday physio told me I've a so shape spine??? One hips up one down..noticed few year ago one leg longer...but they took blood said OK..and no ones saw me since..think I've made right choice not having 2 and op for now...I walk twice a day with my dog..have 2 autistic boys..full on...and a teen girl...boy she's hard hips kill did something yesterday and its very sore today???? Can I get those meds in UK?? How did your family member get the right help..sorry to go on...xx god bless

trudyl65 profile image

Hi louise so you made decision then . Mm athritus hips spube ect . Thats painful itself may be we have to learn to live with it . Disc floating dont get that did your mtmri say disc floatin id ask for another mri check for spondylitis xx

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to trudyl65

Trudyl65 ..yeh a big bit of disc came out and went and sat on my s1 nerve..very pain full..but eased over weeks..they told me mostly men have..get it..bodybuilders.. lifting things too heavy...???? Was a carer but didn't notice anything straight away?? Xx

johnsmith profile image

Do not trust physios. They have a regime of one size fits all. This does not help. Exercise can be destructive if the proprioceptors are not functioning correctly.

You are going to have to do research on: how muscles behave; how muscles know what they are doing; what spinal reflexes are. In the process of doing all this you need to investigate how micro-cramps affect muscle behaviour. A lot of work.

You are going to need to network with people in your local area to find out who are the effective healers. Healers are born with certain innate abilities. Doctors are trained and pass exams. This gives no measure of being able to heal. Something a good chiropractor and good Alexander Teacher will have.

There are yoga teachers who have a good knowledge of posture and yoga. Similarly there are T'ai Chi teachers with very good knowledge of posture.

Hope this helps

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to johnsmith

John Smith..thank you..yes my other half said this morning..look at you...hips killing can't lift my legs at all now...its all confusing to me..what's happening to me...not one off all spine guys..or doctors.have told me different hurts to drive now...still no one seems to know what's wrong with other joints..well no one seems interested...thank you..

trudyl65 profile image

Guesz we have to learn to live with it as they say .. pain in the ass xxx literally

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to trudyl65

Trudyl65... I looked up pain in arss.. and sounded like sciatic... my s1 nerve was bothering a bit of disc that come out of the disc..look it up...sounds like your having same proplem...did does ease off..I used to rub .massage the pain in bum bit..did help...even my tail bone was sore..couldn't sit on toilet...getting up stairs was a bugger..hope you get sorted soon thinking off you..keep in touch let me knewxx

trudyl65 profile image

Well still in bed had first meds 5 am had second 11 am gonba get up shower . Try and go out with family to watch national ... have a few brandys xx

trudyl65 profile image

See consultant surgeon 17th april louise yes waitin . Hey ho well have to get shower goin out at 3 have to start now xx keep smiling xx

louiseamos profile image

Turdyl65.. I knew chick....l push my self to or end up in a dark place don't wanna be again...yeh have one for me xxxxyou deserve it..strong onexxspeck soon.

Counselor1 profile image

I am a 73 yr old American who wandered onto this page looking for information about having MRI's after fusion. I am 10 days after laminectomy of 2-5 and fusion of L4 and L5. I had stenosis and bulging discs and the beginning of spondy at L4 -5. So far I am recovering nicely. The kinds of pain I had before are gone and I have only wound pain and stiffness (4 hr operation, 8" incision.) I had been fairly healthy before but was 5'10" , about 185lbs and didn't notice for yrs as I shrunk to 5'8. I had the resources to pay for my own second reading of my MRI. I also consulted 2 surgeons, a neurosurgeon and an osteopath and asked them to tell me exactly what they would do. Their answers were somewhat different. My understanding is that 10s of thousands of lumbar fusions are done every year in the US and that it is much safer that cervical work. One can study statistics on mortality and morbidity of types of operations. I find that for me, research and learning tend to drive out fear. On the Internet one can find a number of sites where patients have evaluated their doctors. The evaluations are not professional and I don't know how much there is for UK doctors. I hope you find a very skilled surgeon.

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to Counselor1

Thanks counselor 1... I to had a 4 hour operation.few year ago for these discs..but ended up with more pain...after 2 year of could really of chopped my legs off.had a MRI.I begged for the scan was even going to pay myself..saw a neurosurgeon. who told me I've badly scaral damage and my worst disc was my L 5.4 disc which had moved forward.and it burst..and a big peace of disc stuff had come out and sitting on my s1 nerve...very pain full...oh and arthritis.. I was told only a operation would help..and would have it done in January.. that was end October.. Jan came went .so to 2 week ago..and leg pain had eased..back was worse..I was confused..offered no advice or anything went to my pre op day..said I'd what see...had day who told me I've a s ..shape spine...and in ward left hip..he had me lie on bed face down..pulled my leg out..few in soooo much pain.think need advice what's wrong..I was told I'd a spine of a 65 year old 6 year ago.??? Feel drained..I'll most days..had l blood test.. came OK that was end of that..I feel most my adult life been in some pain with my back and just fobbed off....I am pleased your doing well after your operation..I haven't had a fusion.. think that's what should of had..I've 3 level..d. d. d...... need a good couple off doctors for good advice...need something..than you very much for your advice...louise

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