Management of Pain in Children and Young Peop... - Pain Concern

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Management of Pain in Children and Young People (Patient Experience) Survey by RCPCH

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The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has received funding to develop an online training course for doctors and senior healthcare professionals who are responsible for managing Children and Young People’s Pain.

In order to ensure the training course enables doctors to meet the needs of children, young people and their families, we would like to know what competencies, skills, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs you would expect from a doctor or senior health professional managing pain in a child or young person.

We would also like you to tell us about your own experience of pain, and the interventions that you have found to be helpful or difficult in relation to your overall care.

Link to the survey:

The results of this short e-survey will help us write a brief for the development of the learning content.

Can you please submit your survey response by 5pm on Friday 30th August.

The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

For further information or assistance please contact Layla Brokenbrow (Project Manager)


Ph: 020 7092 6108

Many thanks for taking the time to contribute to this important project.


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