Ill keep it brief in case I get "oh snap" again. MRI neck showed mild slip C3 over 4. Recent X-ray showed it as 4over 5! Any advice?
Keep trying to post this !: Ill keep it brief... - Pain Concern
Keep trying to post this !

I'm so sorry I wish I could add something to help but I can tell you that I understand just how you feel as technical names and such do very little to help in understanding and you probably know as much as anyone if you have lived with it, as experience makes for best understanding, but you never said much in your post, but if like me your shoulders and arms and especially your hands become sore and odd niggardly little sensations that you can't understand,(at least in my case ) but it may help to know your not alone, best wishes .
Thanks Alexander. I did post more comprehensively but the link didn't work and I got fed up and did the brief post as above. The issue for me is that either the report on the MRI is incorrect, or the X-ray, or they are both correct and I have slippage over two vertebra, not one. This means that the scan only picked up one one and the X-ray only picked up on the other. Any of these answers is unsatisfactory. My worsening shoulder pain and arm pain and horrible tinnitus may be caused by this. Am seeing doc in about 3 weeks to discuss.
Hopefully doctor will be able to shed some light on the discrepancies. I've had shoulder and arm pain and get tinnitus, and amongst a catalogue of problems I've got some mild degeneration of C5 &C6, though "they" say it's nothing to worry about.
It's funny how the neck can cause tinnitus - though tinnitus is so NOT funny, and neither is arm pain, so you ahve my sympathy. Physio is helping.
I have severe shoulder pain which was shown up to be arthritis.I've had tinnitus for years.Don't think there's a connection.I also have severe carpel tunnel syndrome keeping me awake most nights, and await an operation on both wrists. However life's all about priorities and mine is having had a TIA (mild stroke) and on Clopidogrel to
stop platelets sticking together,(thin the blood). I have again got the heavy lead like feeling to my left foot often occured before first diagnosed. A concern that a further TIA might occur, or even worse, like a full stroke. Life's all about priorities isn't it! Best wishes, and don't worry too much with your ackes and pains.
It's just a bit alarming that I had to note the discrepancies myself!
I told Pain Consultant that I though tinnitus coming from neck and shoulders and he said - How interesting !
Hi Calceolaria, Did any one show you the Xray and scan and discuss it with you ??Sometimes the Radiologist who reports the scans and xrays get there numbers mixed up This has happened to me. Ask your GP. This pain consultant who thinks your idea of the tinnitus is interesting has got you upset I think. Ask him what he thinks, The medics are very good at not giving you answers
Take care Regards Moggiemay
Thanks again Moggie. No, my neck scan was not discussed except Spine Specialist Nurse said it was not dangerous. My lumbar spine scan was discussed with me inch by inch! I had to ask GP for X-ray result of neck as receptionist said it was "fine" although osteopenia has shown up for first time ever and the discrepancy is there against MRI and I do have a severe foraminal stenosis in the neck area. I suppose no "red flags" came up but if someone had checked against scan ......
I dont know how big the slip is. It may be a muscular spasm problem. A muscle group pulling on the neck vertabra.
Try CHiropractor and Alexander Teacher for help with muscle spasms.
Never thought if that! It would account for different vertebra showing slippage! It's a mild slip, grade 1. On both ! John, I really must try Alexander. That and Bowen Therapy are probably the only two left for me to try. By the way, if you dont mind, what stretches do you suggest for iliac crest pain?
I have neck disc problems and was referred to The Spinal Foundation in Rochdale, they operated and it was a success. My doctor was able to refer me after I read an article, it was then very pioneering work but I am talking 18 years ago. I hope this is useful to you.
Thanks Treehugger. I will look into that.