Can I ask a quick question regarding Paget's and Vitd as I am taking my mum to the doctors on Thursday to request some bloods and want to know if, as well as vitd, B12, calcium and iron, I should be asking for anything else. Also can taking vitd make paget's worse as I know the more vitd in your body the more calcium your body makes.
My mum has Paget's in the head which led to tinnitus and now total deafness. She is 84 so will not got anywhere concerning her Paget's (although her GP agrees that she definitely does have Paget's as do 3 out of her remaining 4 siblings). She "doesn't want to be messed around as she is too old" (her words not mine) but unless she gets a proper diagnoses her GP is unable to treat her for Paget's. I have only managed to get her to go for blood tests with the bribe of a shopping trip after!!!!!!
She is now very unsteady on her feet and I feel this could be due to a lack of vitd, or any other the above vital vitamins I am requesting, so want this checked but need to know if she supplements vitd could her body convert his into extra bone in her head?
Thanks in advance
Moggie x