I recently submitted a brief article to my local community magazine. Spotlight on S66 is pushed through 16,000 letterboxes in my own area. It is very well read by the community and I thought a great medium to 'BEAT' the awareness drum. I am pleased to say the editor was happy to include it in the April issue. I am sure most people have a similar magazine for their own communities. Why not contact them? You might be surprised how receptive they are to the idea. If not happy writing an article yourself, by all means you are welcome to forward my article which you or they can edit to suit. (Just PM me if you would like a pdf of the original document). You can read my article on page 32 of the current issue, just click the following link.
My own little success in raising awareness. - My Ovacome
My own little success in raising awareness.

That's great news and 16000 is no small number. If only 1 woman is made aware of signs and symptoms it's worth the effort. Well done
Well done for a good idea! It's always great when more women can read about the signs and symptoms. Well done
Love Wendy xx

That's fantastic! Really well done. As you say community newspapers and magazines are a well read and valued medium. It would be fantastic if everyone followed your lead. Just think - over 1000 members.....
Absolutely, my thoughts exactly. Also they are more accessible than regional and national publications. The editors, by my experience, really want to hear from members of their community and are very supportive. The publications themselves are usually very well read and particularly by the more mature community members. This makes them an ideal platform for the BEAT campaign and all it takes is a few minutes to either call them or even mail an article to them.
This is such a good idea... Well done love x G x
That's a really excellent article. So clear and concise. It's got me thinking...
Linda xx

Hi Linda
Clear and concise is what these small publishers like. It doesn't cost them a lot in terms of space that they might otherwise be able to sell for advertising. Also lots of them regularly pay for generic content so it potentially saves them money too. Everybody wins!
Andy x
I tried to down load a copy but couldnt could you send it to me. I am just getting back to normal after having OC and would like to try and get the word out there. Although it has been awareness month I havent seen anything locally. I have been busy this month returning to work after 9 months so have had my mind in other places. Once I am back in a routine and energy levels have returned I would like to be more involved in making people aware of OC. Well done you
best wishes
Hi Lorraine
Angie and I have been astonished at how little information is out there. We think it is crucial to improving outcomes and want to play our part in getting the message out.
Try this link. Let me know if it works okay. If not send me pm with your email address and I will send a copy of the pdf.
Andy x
Thanks, the link has worked. I am too late to do anything for awareness month but once I get my head organised around getting back to work I will do something. Awareness can be done any time of the year.x
Well done. Any information we can get out there is brilliant and that's an impressive number of letterboxes. xx Best wishes. Annie
Are you kidding? EVERY bit counts - even in a pro PR agency we celebrate every hit, no matter the size they ALL count. Its getting the message through clearly that matters - which you totally did... Good for you!
Sue xxx