We dared hardly hope for this good news! - My Ovacome

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We dared hardly hope for this good news!

10 Replies

Hello all you lovely ladies. Well, I went with my mum and dad yesterday to get her scan results back. They're 'really good' the oncologist said :-) I dare hardly believe it still after sleeping on it! She said there was a 'minute' bit that could be disease, or could be scar tissue, but overall if she looked at the scan without knowing it was from a cancer patient, she would pass it off as healthy. The relief was palpable!

Our oncologist obviously made us aware that it is more likely than not that more treatment will be needed in the future, but for now, onwards and upwards :-)

And they won't test her CA125 at her 3 month check unless mum has started feeling unwell - what so you think about that? She can have it checked if she wants, but as they don't treat unless you're symptomatic anyway, then psychologically it was advised this was a better choice... I think I am inclined to agree. What with the 'Anti-cancer diet' that we've been reading up on, I am hoping that we can keep any bad cells in check!

This site has been such a support - I will keep a close eye on it, and of course any arrangements for OC awareness month 2014 that were discussed a week or so back in a blog I'd still love to help with!

Love and so much appreciation to you all,

Angela xxxxx

10 Replies
kitjules profile image

Thats wonderful news.. Long may it continue :)

Jules xx


Wonderful news!

I have a very different experience of my use of ca125 tests. I was jettisoned into a very aggressive and unfamiliar menopause by the ov.ca. surgery, and also many effects from chemo. I just could not work out what was what (and, of course, nor could the medics as they do not know and are often male, anyway!). My drs said that I could have the tests as and when I wanted them, so whenever I found the 'That-pain-is-cancer' gremlin running in my head, I went for a test. I was lucky in that I have not had any recurrence, and I haven't had to keep going back to my GP over every ache and pain (and they all worried me silly for a while). My oncologist says he needs a scan, a blood test and an examination to diagnose ov.ca., and also still believes in early intervention in recurrence. Perhaps he's a dinosaur, but along with the surgeon, he got me free from 3c, stage 3 carcinosarcoma - and I'm inclined to listen to him.

I think it is absolutely your mother's decision as to when she wants tests and when she feels she needs them.

I sincerely hope she gets what she wants - and never really needs them again!

Very best wishes,


Hi Angela,

This is such good news you must be elated. :-D we will definitely keep you informed on our future plans for awareness etc.... Love and best wishes x G x :-)

Langara profile image

Great news Angela. I am so, so happy for you and your mum.

Much love. xx

wendydee profile image

What wonderful news, Angela! I am so pleased for you and your family. When I was at a NSSG meeting (NHS Gynae cancers) a while ago, the oncologists were explaining why they are not using CA125 tests for check-up visits any more. It's as you said. It causes more worry. They just used an internal and external abdominal exam if there was any cause for worry, with me. I was a bit worried at first but stopped asking for a CA125 after a year. They are very reassuring about being entitled to one if you need the reassurance. I am sure your Mum will be like most of us, in that she will be thinking 'is it back' when she has any odd twinges for a while, but it can all be checked. We are all a bit paranoid, especially at first. I hope you have a wonderful weekend of celebration and that your Mum stays well.

Love Wendy xx

MaggyH profile image

I am so pleased to hear your family's good news, all the best for the future,

Love Brenda x

Whippit profile image

Dear Angela, This is fantastic news and gives your mum a good start. I had the same outcome and as I'm asymptomatic have had no feelings of ill-health at all and generally have felt in riotous good health.

Enjoy every moment. I have CA125 tests every three months. For me it's a reassurance as I have nothing else to guage how things are going. I don't find it in any way worrying even though the count is starting to rise recently. It just helps me to be prepared. Xxxx love Annie

Marvellous, how wonderful for you all, and particularly your mother, of course. I'm not yet at my first check up but for myself plan to ask for CA 125 test each time. It isn't the answer but an indicator and I think I need that. I think keeping lines of open communication going with your mum's oncologist is key. And I also believe in treating your inner environment with an anti cancer eating plan is part of finding a new direction, and a really positive step.

Good luck and keep us posted!


Sue xxx

Caramel profile image

Hi Angela - what fantastic news for you all, I am so pleased.

I have now read the Anti-cancer book that you made me aware of and am trying to encourage my sister who has OC (and all my family) to adopt these relatively simple diet and lifestyle changes. It all makes perfect sense and it's fascinating to know how are bodies respond to a positive outlook. We all know that we must stay positive (and we repeat it so often!) but I didn't really understand the physical effects on our bodies and now I do. Anyway, I'm assuming that your dear Mum followed these recommendations and perhaps this contributed to the wonderful result. Its very encouraging to hear.

Hope all went well with the move and your bump is growing nicely. I hope your mum continues to stay well and happy for many many years.

Thanks again for recommending this book.


Mel xxxx

Thank you to ALL of you who have commented and all your well wishes. It's been a while since I wrote and since then poor mum has had 2 tummy bugs (which I'm assuming are due to a battered immune system and nothing more sinister!) but apart from that, the twinkle in her eye is back and she's doing really well. I wish you all the very, very best, and thank you once again xxxxx

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