Latest on the boob!: I feel like a pin cushion... - My Ovacome

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Latest on the boob!

MargaretJ profile image
19 Replies

I feel like a pin cushion. On Thursday I saw the Onc, who disccussed RT and warned me that it could cause further tumours to develop in 15 to 20 years! I fell about laughing! Even without the OC I would hardly be banking on another 15 years at my age! Then I had the boob drained (250 ml of fluid from the armpit). I am advised to keep a rolled up pair of socks in the armpit to apply pressure and encourage drainage. Then an hour waiting for blood to be taken for a CA125 test. Got home, after stopping off at Waitrose to find the boiler wasn't working. Pressure down and I couldn't re-pressurize it because the nut was broken. After a long argument with Worcester Bosch over what my service contract covers I "burdt into tears" and screamed "I can't cope with my colostomy without hot water" RESULT! The engineer was promised for yesterday (and came).

The car was collected for servicing and MOT at 9 AM, the boiler engineer was here by 9.30 and, just as I was making him a cup of coffee, St James' rang to ask me to get there for 1.50 to have a scan and be marked up for RT. luckily a friend ran me there and, as I was early they saw me early and I now have a series of little black dots tattooed round my boob & neck for positioning. I am not allowed to be drained again or lose or gain weight until RT finishes. It starts on March 11th and will continue daily for 3 weeks, in Leeds which is a minimum of 1/2 an hour's drive. Mind you it can take longer to get to York district Hospital! LOL!

The downside is the timing! 6 PM! Puts paid to all evening engagements for the duration but at least it will be over by easter and I can go to Kevin's without worry!

It is interesting to compare treatment for the two forms of cancer. Compared to the OC this is a piece of cake! Mind you I have only had a lumpectomy!

I came back from Leeds on the bus and the result was feet like ice and I am developing a cold. As I was walking from the bus stop it started to snow! It did not stick but was hardly warming!

Ah well time to get up! I am going to try my hand at raised pork pie!

M xxxxxxxx

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MargaretJ profile image
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19 Replies

Urgh, You will get thru it. I will come to see you soon. Dog crashed into good knee so I am now doubly lame. Cx

suzannehadenough profile image

Hi M..

So frustrationg when more than one thing goes wrong.. I admire your ability to just get on with though.. Im not all that good at it i tend to just break down..

Good luck with the RT I will honestly be thinking of you.

Lots of love

Suzanne.. xxxx

MargaretJ profile image

Breaking down (if carefully stage managed) can be very effective! Viz I got a Worcester Bosch engineer the next day not a local plumber in lord knows how many weeks! LOL! Also last saturday I flashed my "I need the loo NOW!" card and went to the front of the queue for the ladies at the theatre! Mind you I dread to think of the consequences if I hadn't! LOL! Off now to stockup on lemsip!

M xxxxxx

Feel out of breath just from reading your post, Margaret! What a time you've had. I do hope the cold doesn't develop. Good luck with the pork pie... Oh, and the RT! ;-)

Lots of love

Linda xxx

Hi Margaret

What fortitude!! Wish you luck with your new regime and good luck with the pork pie........yummy.

Chris x x

Hi Margaret,

Thinking of you and sending you my best wishes love x G x

Whippit profile image

Margaret - how you manage to be so funny in the face of adversity just stuns me. You know you could write a best-seller.

But it really wasn't funny at the time. Far from it. Good on you for coping, for screaming at the right moment, and for just having the sheer pluck and grit to get on with things.

Can't they think of anything more glamorous than a pair of rolled up socks!

Pork pie sounds just the thing to avoid further weight loss. mmm post up a blog with the finished product and let us know how it goes. Hot water crust pastry is in my opinion the most difficult of all.

You are my role model. xxx Annie

Archiebanana profile image

Hi Margaret,

Seriously, you amaze me....all this going on and you keep going..and on your own. You have a wonderful sense of humour which I'm sure helps a great deal.

Just hope the RT goes ok, time will fly usual.

Take care

Linda xxx

Hi Margaret

Your humour in adversity helps us all soooo much. We have to smile at your exploits and it helps to lighten our loads, even tho we understand completely what you have gone through and have done the same .Not sure I always managed that humour tho!.

Chemo doesn't seem to have effected your cookery skills like it has mine. Things I used to be able to cook take pot luck these days!!!

Good luck with your treatment. RT can be tiring so be kind to yourself and listen to your body. I'm still great and being able to tell others what to do but not doing it myself!!!!!

Love Suexx

MargaretJ profile image
MargaretJ in reply to

Oh my cookery skills are down the tubes but I keep on trying! and I made my first raised pork pie today! Hope it worked!

Jan76 profile image

Dear Margaret ,

Only thinking on Friday about you and was wondering how you were keeping and I was going to mail you to ask Just that question and here you are .....

Inspiring to us all with your amazing fortitude and strength and making our mouths water with the thought of a home made pork pie !

Thoughts go with you for the RT xx

Take care love Jan xxxx

Oh POOR you Margaret! What a chapter of.. well I'm not sure quite what to call it all really! Your humour as usual is so light yes beautifully ironic, and I am 100% sure it augers well for both how you will cope with the next stage and your chances of recovering well after. Good luck, both with the RT and the pork pie experiment (we expect a picture - of the pork pie, I hasten to add)


Sue xxx

MargaretJ profile image

pork pie seems to have worked! Paella delicious! (hope it freezes) and now 2 very dry sherries and a couple of red wines down! sorry! pissed off and pissed! LOL!

MargaretJ profile image

Not so strong tonight! mainly pissed! LOL!

Hi Margaret,

Not surprised you are fed up after the recent events-your humour and stoic attitude never fails to amaze me.I hope the cold hasn't got any worse.I sometimes resort to the red wine!

Take care

Anne x

wendydee profile image

Like the others, you amaze and inspire me! I hope you're feeling not too bad this morning. How's the cold? Honey and lemon and a slosh of whisky may help?

All the best with the RT. I will be thinking of you and sending lots of wishes and prayers. Keep smiling! We'd be list without hearing of your exploits :-D

Love Wendy xx

MargaretJ profile image

Just to put the cap on everything I was going up to bed last night and sneezed, as this took my attention away from my feet (essential to concentrate because of the neuropathy) and I missed my footing and fell down stairs. As I told my grandson, I must be a tough old bird! I am a bit bruised and seem to have sprained my left thumb but otherwise I am fully functioning and managed to put the jelly into the pork pie, which looks great. I also made moules marinniere for supper to use up the muscles left over from last night's paella!

Margaret indeed you are a'tough old bird'-your humour and resilience just amazing and it sounds like you are a wonderful cook too! X

MargaretJ profile image

About the only thing I miss about being married is having someone to cook for! Mind you my ex did not always appreciate the cooking and said he occasionally longed for beans on toast and a bottle of good wine! Mind with his taste buds the wine could be any old plonk as long as it had a fancy label Miaow!

I am experimenting with freezing the left over paella! Even my little paela pan produces far too much for one. My DinLaw thought it wouldn't freee because of rthe rice but I have frozen risotto succesfully in the past. I do it in dariole moulds and reheat it in a bain marie in the oven! Makes a nice "cheffy" touch on the plate with a tasteful salad and a piece of fish!

Gosh here I go gertting carried away! Just realised my typo replaced edible shellfish with biceps! Now could that be the old freud and my libido coming out of the closet? Trouble is I do not fancy myself as either a "cougar" or a "Turkey vulture" and men of my age are bloody boring and, usually, entrenched chauvinists to boot. Add to that the tendency (in Yorkshire at least) for them to wear flat caps (reminders of my grandfather who wore a bowler to work and flat cap for leisure) and keep their loose change in purses! e moths rarely fly out when the purse is open as they have died of asphyxiation!

Gosh all this and a rant too! I must be feeling better. This week Bone density scan on Weds and physio Friday with theatre on Weds (Woman in Black - the play is much more atmospheric than the film) and a meal out on Thursday night. Lunch in town tomorrow and my "open house" on Sunday so my sistert is coming over on Sat and we plan a day at the designer centre and dinner at her hotel - her hubby has had surgery and has neuropathy in his feet so we are leaing him at the hotel to rest" with the TV while we get "girl time".

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