Hi there
Lost my facts but here are tghe answers
[1} I lived in Uganda as a child and the ballet school I attended was. asked to put on the cancan for a french ball one year. I was 11 at the time It was great fun
[2] I am married to an retired nuclear engineer submariner and in the 70's wives were invited to go to sea for the day on his submarine. I did keep a watch back aft with him! And we did dive too. .Later I was also a guest on H.M.S/m Superb when the Queen reviewed her Fleet at Spithead for her Silver Jubilee Lots of happy memories of my life as a naval wife.
[3] FALSE I've never shaken hands with the Qeen Mother but I have with Princess Anne who was an active Patron of the organization I used to work for!!
Have enjoyed reading others facts.......what an interesting bunch we all are!!!!