hi ladies i had the results of my scan today and firstly the cancer spread is relatively small compared to what the consultant envisaged. It is still all contained in the abdomen so thatsounds good. The discomfort has been from a growth in the abdomen wall which he thinks can be shrunk with radiotherapy if too troublesome. My onc seemed plsed with the results. Secondly he has sourced the last bit of caeylx in leics for me first we thought he could only get 3 cycles but the pharmacist managed 5 so he has said that at least we can see how well i do on it. I feel optimistic as it seems god has again given some time which is what we all want at the end of the day. Let me know what all your experinces are regarding caeylx ladies. Thanks for all your support lots of hugs xxx
Best news under the circumstances: hi ladies i... - My Ovacome
Best news under the circumstances

Hi Parvin,
So great to hear your good news best wishes love x G x
Hi Parvinc
It's good news that they can find some more caelyx and also that there are other things they can try. It's all one thing at a time and each thing is giving you more chances of better health. I'm sending wishes and hopes for you
Love Wendy xx
Hello Parvin
I have had Caelyx. It seems quite a long time ago now. It worked wonders for me - yes I have still got OC but it did its job at the time.
I didn't suffer too badly with side effects. The main problem was soreness and itchiness to the skin but there are things you can do to alleviate that. More importantly it didn't make me feel poorly so I could carry on living life properly and I kept my hair.
Thank God for more time!
Love Sarah
Hi Parvin,
Thats BRILL NEWS !!!
So pleased for you, Good Luck with your Caelyx.
thinking of you.
luv trish x
Thanks all, sarah how long was your remission after caeylx. I hope too that thr side effects are not too severe. I start next friday so i will keep you all posted
My onc said this week that they hope to have caelyx back on line in the spring, and it will be there if I need it then.
Fingers crossed as so any people were upset when it disappeared.