Hello everyone
Here's something else I found via Twitter. It's guidelines for the treatment of ovarian cancer based on staging and type from Alberta, Canada. You can scroll down and click on Recommendations to read the detail.
All the best
Hello everyone
Here's something else I found via Twitter. It's guidelines for the treatment of ovarian cancer based on staging and type from Alberta, Canada. You can scroll down and click on Recommendations to read the detail.
All the best
Dear Linda - thanks so much for this bit of research which I read with much interest. I've been thinking that the disease needs a new way of thinking. The breakthrough with breast cancer recently where they discovered it was several different diseases and not one disease made me think that Ovarian Cancer is surely the same. It does seem strange to try and find a one-size-fits-all cure to a cancer that manifests itself in so many different forms.
Good luck with your walking and tweeting. Sounds a good recipe for a cure.
xxx Annie
Hi Annie
I've no idea what all the different terms mean- clear cell, germ cell, mucinous, serous etc but there are a lot of them so what you say makes sense to me. There's certainly an urgent need for a lot more research. In the meantime we rely on the"experts" and our own common sense to keep as healthy as we can.
Linda xx
Hi Linda
Thats very interesting.
Seems a bit more flexible than our one size fits all treatments .
Best wishes
Yes Julie
Canada seems to be doing a lot in terms of research too. There was some interesting news about vaccine developments from there a couple of months back.
Go well
I have a rarer sort of OVCA, mucinous disease. Most common is serous type. it was made quite clear to me that this responded differently to other sorts of OVCA hence I went straight into a drugs trial because they believe this sort of disease behaves more like intestinal tumors hence I chemo more usually used fro bowel cancer. Unfortunately the drugs trial didn't work for me (others have had great success with this treatment) and now I am standard carbo/taxel.
I'm surprised that people aren't being told why type of OVCA they have as it can have a big bearing in finding the appropriate treatment. It seems where the USA/Canada are leading we are following just some years behind unfortunately...
Yes, though there was an interesting thread a few weeks ago where people described their diagnosis and treatment and it was surprising how much variation there was.