I was due to have chemo no. 6 on Thursday before starting Olaparib (BRCA2). I have always had low neutrophils which has been a constant worry. Ca125 after chemo no. 5 was 17. Anyway I’ve had a call this morning to say that the plan is to omit chemo no. 6, CT scan this Friday and start Olaparib next week. The sensible side of me feels this is a good idea due to risk of sepsis/Coronavirus plus school age children at home but I was also very keen to have chemo no. 6 in case I have residual disease leftover. What do you lovely ladies think? X
Final chemo cancelled before Olaparib due to Co... - My Ovacome
Final chemo cancelled before Olaparib due to Coronavirus - feel very worried.

Well I think that your medical team will have tried to take the best course of action for you...I suppose that they might change the decision after your scan but not leaving you with such significant lowered immunity has to be a good thing? All this stuff is so scary-it is difficult to feel relaxed about anything right now..sending you a virtual hug and a pat on the back for getting through chemo xx
Hi. I don’t know what to think. I just finished carbo caelyx and will start Olaparib in a few weeks. I do know my onc doesn’t care if I am ned- just that chemo shrank the tumor. It sounds like they want to protect you from infectious disease more than anything. I’m guessing they’re taking their best shot. ❤️
Hi there, I think on balance, your consultant has made a very sensible decision because the Olaparib can continue to attack any residual cells ( which you may not have after no. 5 anyway ). My CA125 was 18 after six chemos and I’m on it too. The possible risks of contracting Coronavirus after chemo no 6 are probably not worth taking with your already low CA125.
I’m no expert of course, but hope this helps. Good luck with the Olaparib.
Love Denise xxx
Thank you Denise. Your response is very sensible and what I need to hear. I hope the Olaparib is going well for you. Take care, sticky3006
I’m getting on pretty well with it now thanks, though to start with I did feel a little bit nauseous and had several bouts of diarrhoea. Much more settled now. ( after only a few weeks) Im not sure what my current CA is but have heard nothing negative so far, so everything crossed I’ll stay clear
that's great. news, really pleased for you and fingers crossed x
Hi there, I forgot to mention earlier, that a young lady I met when I had my op has also finished her chemo a session earlier as her consultant said he thinks she’s had enough treatment to combat the cancer and now needs to build her immunity due to the risk of Coronavirus. She has a different type of cancer to us but I thought that knowing this might make you feel better too.
Love Denise xxxxx
I suppose your doctors know best. I would go by what they say. But I know how you feel. Do what you think best. You could try pushing for chemo 6, but in the end they probably know what is best/safest for you.
All best wishes .
Eileen xx
Thank you Drdu. I've got my head around it now (after a good cry and feeling very sorry for myself!). I think it's probably for the best. I've sent my husband out to get a bit of shopping and will console myself by making banoffee pie and having a large wine this evening!
I hope you're well, sticky 3006
Hello Sticky
Yes you will naturally be worried but, being BRCA2, you will probably respond well to olaparib. Also it won't clobber your immune system in the same way as chemo, which is obviously doubly important at the moment.
My wife Suzanne (also BRCA2) started on olaparib in Oct 2017 after 3rd course of chemo (ie two recurrences). Her CA125 then was 24 and it's now holding steady at 9.
Any residual disease you may have left will hopefully be double zapped by the PARP. You will enjoy not being on chemo.
Wishing you all the best, Woody x
Hi I’m in a Similar situation. I went for my 4th chemo yesterday Carboplatin and Caelyx for. reoccurrence of Stage 3 OC. They gave me this infusion but said that it was to be the last one. The rationale was that as my CA125has normalised and my scan was clear and I am prone to low neuts, sepsis and anaemia it would be better for me not to have to travel for further treatment of chemo but instead of next cycle to start on the Olaparib earlier. I said that I had to trust their advice and agreed but like you I am very apprehensive. I actually think it is a good idea why have our immune system lowered with CV19 about.? If we are on Olarparib we are still being treated And we can always, I suppose have chemo again in the future if necessary. I look forward to reading other replies and I know that I will have moments of worry and doubt but I think our oncologists have our very best interests at heart and we have to trust them. Duvet day for me I feel very nauseous 🤢.
Everyone who has already responded has said what I was going to and knowing the first ones are the most important infusions AND that PARPS do treat the cancer as well, I think they made the right decision for you. Hoping with all this positive input on the treatment decision has put your mind at ease and given you the confidence to know this is the right next step. Wishing you luck and good days ahead. oxoxox Judy