Hi everyone, thanks for reading my post. In summer 2022, I was diagnosed with stage 3 endometrial cancer that had spread to my right ovary (they originally suspected ovarian but the womb was a shock as I’d had no symptoms) I had surgery, chemo, more chemo+radiotherapy and then finally brachytherapy in Feb 2023. There were no signs of anything left behind.
I’m just feeling a bit unclear about my follow ups. So, my oncologist passed me back to my surgeon for follow ups. I’m on six monthly appointments now but only seem to have a ca125 blood test if I request one and no real plan re. Scans. Can anyone with a clearer plan let me know how it was communicated to you please? There’s a Macmillan team at my hospital but I only ever seem to be put through to the nurses who then book me a blood test but I still don’t get a clear picture of the plan. Thanks x