Sorry trying not to moan but feel just a little bit alone. I finished 6 cycles of chemo last September everything was fine , had a scare in October as I had a cyst on my bowel ( due to low immune system) it burst as it was being drained and ended up in ICU with sepsis. I had my bloods done and a phone consultation and they say all is ok , I have now developed a hernia I think and told them at Christie’s but told just to see GP . I know my diagnosis was 2a but I just feel I need a face to face consultation not just over the phone !! Christie’s just said you know where we are !! I feel I’ve just been left
ongoing consultation after finishing chemo - My Ovacome
ongoing consultation after finishing chemo

Hi crazy1010, I know your feeling a bit abandoned at the moment but you were given good advice in seeing your GP. I had my phone call from my oncologist yesterday and I told her that I feel very itchy down below, red raw in fact. But I wasn't sure if it was because of the thrush that I've been getting for the last 4 months or eczema. She told me to see my GP before I have my next chemotherapy next Monday. I saw my GP this morning and she wasn't sure so she did a swab and prescribed me hydrocortisone cream and some emollient cream and pessaries for inside just in case the thrush is still there. So if you go to see your GP I'm sure they will be able to help you, if you have got a hernia. By the way I was in hospital for a week with sepsis last October, so your not alone. Please see your GP, I'm sure they will sort it. Sending you good wishes xx.
You have already had some excellent advice. I just wanted to add that when treatment completes, I have always had a feeling of being spat out the end and it always takes a while to adjust. This is even tougher when you have other complications.
In the meantime. I would endorse seeing your GP asap to start the ball rolling on the hernia investigation.
I hate telephone consultations but think they are acceptable when we are in between treatments. But when we are in active treatment or undergoing tests, I think face to face are important. You can ask to have these.
no,no, no, that’s not acceptable. You must insist on a face to face. We must speak up for ourselves.
true. I was doing Telemed visits because I live 3 hours from Treatment (I choose to go to MSKCC because I trust them) , but it’s not the same as a face to face. I now do face-to-face only.