Blood pressure and Niraparib: I was just... - My Ovacome

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Blood pressure and Niraparib

Rosado22 profile image
15 Replies

I was just wondering if anyone had any success stories to tell re raised blood pressure and meds due to Niraparib. My blood pressure probs started when I started N earlier this year. I knew nothing about blood pressure at all. Had lercanidipine and doxazosin and felt I had problems with swelling and strange feelings in body. Then just D - swollen ankle and feet. Changed surgery, started an ACE one and water tablets and now on water tablets - Indapamide and beta blockers. Feeling of circulation again. Follow up appointment soon with doc but feeling frustrated. Any positive stories welcome.

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15 Replies
BallyMacfan profile image

Hi rosado 22, I have been on niraparib for 9 months now and wen I first started niraparib my blood pressure went sky high I was also taking atrovastatin for high cholesterol my blood pressure was slightly high but nothing to be concerned about but blood pressure doubled on niraparib so my dose off atrovastatin was increased and it seemed to bring the blood pressure down it's still high but not as high as it was.I also use a blood pressure kit I got from chemist and the result always seem to be better then wen at drs.hope this helps .jayne

Rosado22 profile image
Rosado22 in reply to BallyMacfan

Thanks for your reply. The top number is okay ish, bottom number 91. I am seeing doc again. Beta blockers have brought my heart rate down to a good beat but I am aware of what feel like my blood circulating …

Alice77 profile image

I have also had problems with high blood pressure and Niraparib. I started on Amlodipine but that gave me severe insomnia in combination with the Niraparib. Ramipril meant I could sleep but caused severe constipation. Then I tried Losartan which made my joints so sore I could hardly move. The latest is Candesartan which is working on the blood pressure and so far not causing other problems. My pharmacist says there is a huge range of options and it is worth experimenting to find something which suits you. Sometimes it is not the drug itself but what happens when you combine it with Niraparib and it is not all well documented yet so we are the guinea pigs. I hope you manage to sort this out soon. Best wishes.

Rosado22 profile image
Rosado22 in reply to Alice77

Thank you so much Alice. I shall see what the doc says about the Candersatan. I know the previous doc initially told me the hospital should sort it out. Bit of a woo ha and they told me blood pressure is between me and my go. I’m at a new surgery now and working with doc on this. I think these drugs ending in. An are more expensive and the guidelines are to start with ramioril etc. The doxazosin got rid of the feeling on a higher dose but swelled my ankles and feet. The calcium channel blocker develop symptoms of lymphoedema. Uncharted territory!

Rosado22 profile image
Rosado22 in reply to Alice77

hello again. My doc started me on Candesartan to go with the beta blockers. Waiting for blood test result to see if they will continue with it. They only gave me 2mg per day and I feel I need more as I’m aware of my blood flowing. How much is a normal dose? I’m on a low dose of the beta blockers too. Thanks

Mysticmeg123 profile image

Hi Rosado 22. I never had any kind of blood pressure until I started on Avastin and then my blood pressure landed me in hospital. I was put on Ramapril but that gave me a persistent cough so then was switched to one tablet of Irbersartan a day. Since completing Avastin almost a year ago, I am now only on 1/2 tablet a day and sometimes, I don't take any as my BP goes too low. Its all positive I think. Once you get the toxic chemo out of your body, there is some relief to be had. I hope your new regime works for you and wishing you well.

Rosado22 profile image
Rosado22 in reply to Mysticmeg123

Thank you MysticMeg. I am starting to think that a drug ending in. an. might be the answer as somebody else said they had one ending in an. Ramipril on its own left me with swollen neck ….

Mysticmeg123 profile image
Mysticmeg123 in reply to Rosado22

Oh gosh, I have heard of someone else who had a swollen neck from taking Ramipril and worryingly they thought it was more sinister but thankfully they traced it back to the medication. I am aware that sometimes they have to try a few until you settle with one that works for you. I really hope they find you the right medication.

Rosado22 profile image
Rosado22 in reply to Mysticmeg123

me too! I do find it odd that the previous docs didn’t consider my symptoms were to do with what they prescribed. How was I supposed to diagnose myself? I eventually discovered that the channel blocker was to be discouraged for people who have had lymph nodes removed and got myself off it.

Mysticmeg123 profile image

It is a shame but sadly we have to advocate for ourselves. As if the Cancer isn't hard enough to deal with, you have to find solutions to the side effects of your medication too. I find myself educating my own GP - She tried to put me on steroid injections and I said NO! I checked with my Oncologist first because my GP did not know if it would interfere with my chemotherapy. But, she was blindly going to do it without consulting anyone!

K95m profile image

Hi Rosado

I’m on Niraparib For 5 years now. When I started it my BP and liver enzymes went through the roof. Shockingly so !

My Onc wanted to start me on BP meds but I refused, they are really not without their own problems. Anyway he reduced my dose from 300Mg to 200 and my BP is now really good. Might be worth a try for you.


Rosado22 profile image
Rosado22 in reply to K95m

Thanks. My dose was reduced also to 200mg. I didn’t realise that BP meds had side effects. My dose was reduced as my platelets crashed and I had a transfusion of platelets followed by red blood too. Two hospital stays.

Rosado22 profile image

thank you everyone. I’ve been back to the docs today and got onto the Candersetan one and my bp has come down. The doc mentioned help from the oncologist re bp meds and how the Niraparib works. Anyway I explained that I had been told that bp was between me and gp but that I had asked around on Health unlocked and a few had been mentioned ending in -an. Thank you!

Alice77 profile image

I am prescribed 8mg Candesartan per day but have no idea if this is the usual dose or not

Rosado22 profile image
Rosado22 in reply to Alice77

Thanks. It is the correct dose according to nhs website. I’m hoping they will increase mine and reduce the beta blockers to get rid of the feeling of blood or something flowing - only on 3mg starting dose at moment

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