I had to blood transfusions yesterday. I am anemic think I spelt that wrong. They have done 5 blood tests and couldn’t find anything. They think it’s Olaparib. My CA125 is 5 and now they want to give me a CT scan. I’m scared what if it another cancer.
Hi, everyone : I had to blood transfusions... - My Ovacome
Hi, everyone

Dear SEckett,
I'm sure that there will be some of our members along shortly to share their experiences, but in the meantime I wanted to share some resources around dealing with anxiety at such a tricky time.
We have some wonderful webinars and podcasts on this page: ovacome.org.uk/looking-afte...
We have a booklet here with tips on managing anxiety:
We'd advise you to talk to your clinical team about the details of your investigations, and what they mean. If you'd like to talk this through in advance, you can call the Ovacome support line on 0800 008 7054. We are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm. I'm aware it's the end of the day on Friday, but Macmillan do have a support phone line you can call from 8am-8pm every day on 0808 808 00 00
Best wishes,
Ovacome support team
it could be the Olaparib dose is a bit high? I had the same on Niraparib and they reduced the dose from 300 to 200 and all was good again. Try not to panic x
hi. Since starting olaparib I’ve had 3 blood transfusion in 9 months. It’s a know side affect and they may reduce your dose if it happens again. I was on 600mg a day and now on 400mg. Your ca125 is good I would think they are just checking to be sure. I also believe if you are taking other medication like ibuprofen that can also cause anemia. Try to keep calm x
Hi Starbarn
Did they do blood tests? I have had 3 blood tests and on Monday a bone marrow biopsy. Then he picked up I have the chickenpox virus which the Doctor didn’t tell me.
I had a blood test to get the correct match then another because I had antibody’s which I didn’t have previously so they needed a better match. Then after my transfusion had another blood test to check all my levels.
It may be they will give you treatment for your virus and stop olaparib for a week or two to get that sorted. X
Hi Starbarn
They have given me anti viral drugs to take and I have already had two bags of blood on Thursday. The cancer unit have been great they have done all the blood tests. The Haemotologist consultant was lovely. This all happened Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so they were very quick with it.
Hi. Don’t panic. The bone marrow test is to rule out something like MDS which is a very rare side effect of PARPs. Anemia (US spelling) is a common side effect of Olaparib. Hopefully they can reduce your dose and keep you on it because it sounds like it’s working. Fingers crossed everything is okay! Please keep us posted. Xx
what does Olaparib are you on? I had to have 3 or 4 blood transfusions and have the dose stepped down from 600 my to 400. Which has helped stop the anaemia dips. They are very common on Olaparib, don’t despair. You may find things will settle if they just reduce the dose. Also liquid spatone iron supplement drink in mango .juice very good from Amazon Eat liver spinach etc, good luck Emma x